R & R for Sunday, December 18th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, December 18, 2011

Twas the night before Christmas, when all throughthe abode
Only one creature was stirring, and she was cleaning the commode.
The children were finally sleeping all snug in their beds,
while visions of Nintendo and Barbie flipped through their heads.

The dad was snoring in front of the TV,
With a half-constructed bicycle propped on his knee.
So only Mom heard the reindeer hooves clatter,
Which made her sigh, Now what is the matter?

With the toilet bowl brush still clutched in her hand,
She descended the stairs and saw the old man.
He was covered with ashes and soot, which fell with a shrug,
Oh, great, muttered Mom, now I have to clean the rug.

Ho Ho Ho!  cried Santa, I'm glad you're awake,
your gift was especially difficult to make.
Thanks, Santa, but all I want is time alone.
Exactly! he chuckled, So, I've made you a clone.

A clone? she muttered, What good is that?
Run along, Santa, I've no time for chit chat.
Then out walked the clone - The Mother's twin;
Same hair, same eyes, same double chin.

She'll cook, she'll dust, she'll mop every mess.
You'll relax, take it easy, watch The Young and The Restless.
Fantastic! the Mom cheered. My dream has come true!
I'll shop, I'll read, I'll sleep a night through!

From the room above, the youngest did fret.
Mommy? Come quickly, I'm scared and I'm wet.
The clone replied, I'm coming, sweetheart.
Hey, the Mom smiled, she sure knows her part.

The clone changed the small one and hummed her a tune,
as she bundled the child in a blanket cocoon.
You're the best mommy ever.  I really love you.
The clone smiled and sighed, And I love you, too.

The Mom frowned and said, Sorry, Santa, no deal.
That's my child's love she is trying to steal.
Smiling wisely, Santa said, To me it is clear,
Only one loving Mother is needed here.

The Mom kissed her child and tucked her in bed.
Thank you, Santa, for clearing my head.
I sometimes forget, it won't be very long,
when they'll be too old for my cradle and song.

The clock on the mantle began to chime.
Santa whispered to the clone, It works every time.
With the clone by his side, Santa said, Good night.
Merry Christmas, dear Mom, you will be all right.

 Author Unknown 
R and R Tip # 80:  RELAX Christmas is almost here.

By now I'm hoping that you are all ready for the big day coming up this next weekend -- Christmas!  I am and I'm hoping that you too can relax and unwind and take time to enjoy the holiday.  If you are like me it has taken a lot of effort to finally reach this point.  But here at my house I always say that preparation is half the fun of any celebration.  

This is a frantic time of year, to say the least; so much to do, so many to remember, so much to bake and cook… so little time! But let’s not think about the negative things and lose sight of the positive.

Instead of complaining about these darkest, shortest days of the year when we drive to work in the dark and it’s pitch-black when we travel home at night, why not look at darkness as the perfect backdrop for light? Consider the beautiful lights you see at night: the moon turning bare tree branches into a dark pen-and-ink drawing; the soft glow of Christmas candles in the window; even the brilliant red, yellow, and green of stoplights reflecting off an icy intersection.

Most of us are blessed to have a roof over our heads, heat, health food and family.  These are the important things and all the rest is just that...all the rest.   Add a positive attitude to this list of important things in your life and you've got everything you need. 

During this last week before Christmas, as you shop and bake and clean and decorate and mail cards. . .  think of this as a reminder to take a moment for extra hugs and kisses and make sure your family all know how much you love them.

That's what it's all about anyway, right?

Merry Christmas !

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