What Would I Do If I Won $1111.11? Give It Away for a Child's Smile

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fairy tales can come true. About a month ago, I entered a contest at the website, Chime.in, by writing an essay, (2000 characters or less), of what I would do if I won $1111.11 in honor of 11/11/11.
Well, I entered, and I won! I won one of 14 prizes of $1111.11 each given away.

Here is my entry-

My Chimewish-

What would I do with $1111.11? Give It Away for a Child's Smile.

My Chimewish is to make the wishes and dreams of children come true. I wanted to share some background information for my motivation and plans for a granted Chime Wish. Our family is blessed in many ways, and we are fortunate to be able to provide for our boys' passions for sport and the arts. Unfortunately this is not the case for many in our school district, which is located in a diverse neighborhood where a significant percent of students qualify for free lunches. Our area is no exception in that our local schools' budgets have been cut to the bone. Because of budget cuts and the economy, many children can no longer participate in Art and Athletics. This became poignantly clear to me when I overheard my son's classmate, a new choir student, telling the choir director, he would have to drop out of the program, as he could not afford the transportation or costume fees. Or when my husband, who is a volunteer youth referee, (along with our teens), tells me that the demand for scholarships and free equipment for the soccer program is higher than ever before. I would divide and donate this gift to our often overlooked teens & their families, with the assistance of American Youth Soccer Organization, ww.ayso678.org, & Hart High School district, www.hartdistrict.org, music program. I feel very passionately about this, as not only do I want every child to have the experience of being part of something bigger than them, but also for their families to witness and share in this joy. Please help spread a smile by Liking or Sharing this chime with my sincere thanks.

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