Blue Christmas

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I became sad in the car while taking my teen to school yesterday, thinking of my late brother, gone now 27 years last month. It struck me that Jim will never meet the 3 most important people in my life, my husband and 2 sons. One of those bittersweet insights out of the blue.

The holidays can be a tough time for many, of which I am reminded not only with my work as a nurse, but it also hit close to home this past week, with a dear friend getting ready to have cancer surgery. She is the mother of one of my son's oldest friends, literally since they were in diapers, and now they are teens. It's funny when you realize that the parents of your children's friends, often become your friends.

I have done barely anything for the holidays, way behind schedule for shopping, cooking, and decorating. I am trying not to stress, which is a challenge, especially with the demands of work and family. *Deep Breath*.

I am thinking of those less fortunate this holiday, not just financial need, but also pyschological. Those are much more difficult to meet.

If this is a hard time of year for you and your family, you are not alone, and others, do care.

"I love my cracks, it's where the light comes in".

A Memento Mori

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