It's GITTING time!

Posted by Unknown on Friday, September 30, 2011

The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!
More aboutIt's GITTING time!

Question of the Week

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, September 29, 2011


What is your favorite way of viewing television: Basic TV, Cable, DVR, Netflix, Computer, DVDs, other?






Between TV and Netflix and DVD’s we watch plenty of TV without having cable… We have our favorite shows we watch on regular TV… We have been watching a lot of old TV shows like F Troop, Get Smart, Lost in Space and Soap that we are able to get from Netflix… We also keep up with all the new movie releases through Netflix… And our DVD collection is always growing from movies to our favorite seasons of TV shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory…

Leave your answer in the comment section or write up your answer in your blog and link up to our Show and Tell in our sidebar…

Happy Watching…

More aboutQuestion of the Week

Mid-Week Show and Tell ~ "Bras for a Cause"

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Welcome to Wednesday at The Motivation Station, and a "Mid-Week Show and Tell" of "Bras for a Cause". "Bras for a Cause" is an annual luncheon and silent auction to raise money for Breast Cancer screening and treatment in our community. I decorated and donated a bra ensemble, "Pretty in Pink", inspired by a friend who is a Breast Cancer survivor and thriver.
I made a pair of blingy earrings and "upcycled" a vintage bead necklace to go with the bra and rumba pants. (Gosh, I wonder how many folks will find this blog based on the search term, "rumba pants", hmm.;o)

I also decorated a vendor sponsored bra for the silent auction. This bra is called "Minnie's Mammogram".

It's amazing how you can change the world with some crystals and a glue gun. Not just for others, but also for yourself.

Thank you so much and I wish you a wonderful day, week too.
More aboutMid-Week Show and Tell ~ "Bras for a Cause"

Stuffed Peppers

Posted by Unknown on Monday, September 26, 2011

If you have a hard time getting vegetables into your diet... just stuff them with deliciousness!

I adapted this recipe ever so slightly from Sultan's Kitchen. It tastes like a gyro!

For the stuffing
2 tbs olive oil
1 pound lean ground beef or lamb
(I used beef)
1 medium Spanish onion, grated
4 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup long grain rice (par cooked)
2 medium tomatoes, seeded and diced
2 small carrots, shredded
2 tbs tomato paste
1 handful fresh mint, chopped
1 handful fresh parsley, chopped
salt and pepper to taste

For the shells
6 large (or 12 small) green peppers
2 medium/small tomatoes, quartered
6 nubs(jamie oliver) of butter
(think the size of a starburst)
1 cup broth (chicken or beef)
2 tbs tomato paste

For the Sauce
1 cup greek yogurt
1 garlic clove, minced
sat and pepper to taste
Just mix all together and chill in refrigerator.

What you'll do
Prep the peppers by cutting the top/stem off to create a little pepper bowl. Hollow out the seeds and white pith... or whatever that is called. Settle peppers in a creased oven safe pan (should be deep to catch any juice).

In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil. Add the onions and saute for about 3 minutes. Add the carrots and tomatoes and let soften for another 2-3 minutes. Add the meat and stir. Add the garlic and saute until fragrant. Add the rice and tomato paste and cook until meat is all browned and cooked. Another 3-5 minutes or so. Turn off heat. Add the fresh herbs. Let the meat sit for a moment to cool a bit.

In meantime heat the stock with the tomato paste and stir. Set aside

When meat is slightly cooler, spoon the meat mixture into each pepper equally. Spoon 1-2 tbs of stock/tomato paste mixture into the peppers. Top it with 1 of the quartered tomatoes and a nub of butter. 

Bake the peppers in an over at 350 degrees until the peppers start to shrivel. About 45-1hr. Let cool and serve with the yogurt sauce.

Meet Kris here for other adventures!
More aboutStuffed Peppers

Motivation Monday - Minimalist Series

Posted by Unknown

I thought I would share a condensed version of my story today to explain how and why I became a Minimalist in the Making.

I was raised in a lot of clutter so when grew up and went out on my own I was the opposite - very clean, organized and a minimalist.

Then I married Mr. Clutter, and that's when the trouble all began again.

Mr. Clutter is a pack-rat. He always says he's not a pack-rat, he just doesn't like to get rid of things - no really? ::rolling eyes::  So no matter how much decluttering I have done there were always entire rooms or areas of his junk.

Then my mother passed away last November, she had saved everything - and I mean everything! She had moved beyond being a pack-rat to being a true hoarder. The initial declutter of her home took six weeks working day and night seven days a week. There was a trip to Goodwill with a full load at least once a day, the entire front curb was lined with trash on garbage days, and there was still an entire large room packed wall to wall floor to ceiling with boxes of things I couldn't get rid of for one reason or another the first time around.

Next the renovation began. My mother's home was never properly maintained between there being too much stuff packed up to get to anything and the fact that my mother couldn't accept how expensive repairs are these days. As a result there were roof leaks, tiles falling off the bathroom walls, termites, mold, and tons of other issues. The house had to be almost completely gutted, even many of the walls right down to the studs.

The plan was to do all the work ourselves since Mr. Clutter is also Mr. Construction, and then we would move into that home which is a larger house and has a pool. Once we moved in the plan was to renovate our house to rent it out as a vacation rental since it's right by the beach.

Fast forward 10 months to today - We are moved in, all the major renovations are done, but still lots of little projects to complete. The large back room is still packed wall to wall floor to ceiling with what's left of my mother's belongings. The garage is packed wall to wall floor to ceiling with Mr. Clutter's construction stuff.

The other house is now a total disaster area. Mr. Clutter was never good about regular maintenance so now that house also needs some major work inside and out. Plus when I packed to move I didn't pack any of his stuff that I considered junk. What that equals out to is about half of the stuff that was in that house while we lived there that was left behind. I have no idea what he's going to do with it all and don't care as long as it doesn't come into the home where we are living now.

During all these renovations Mr. Clutter has collected even more stuff - more tools, more construction materials, and probably just more junk. He hasn't made even the slightest attempt to start going through what was left behind to begin with, just keeps collecting and piling more up. He starts projects, leaves everything laying where he dropped it and then moves onto another project before finishing.

So currently the other house is jam packed with barely a path to get around through the entire house. Add the garage and back room full of stuff where we live now, and the attics at both homes are still full of stuff we haven't even thought about trying to get to yet.

Looking at what's still left after almost a year of constant decluttering and all our hard labor is what has brought me to the point of wanting to return to a life of minimalism. I'm so tired of stuff, stuff, and more stuff!

I will show you the good, bad, and the ugly along the way. I know it's going to be a long, difficult journey but my mind is made up and my goals are set. I hope sharing my story and my journey will help others who may not know where to begin or have trouble letting go.

Were you able to get started on your journey this past week? Please share in the comment section or with a link on TMS Show & Tell on the sidebar.

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!
More aboutMotivation Monday - Minimalist Series

R & R for Sunday, September 25th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fun is fundamental.
There is no way around it.
You absolutely must
have fun.  Without fun,
there is no enthusiasm.
Without enthusiasm,
there is no energy.
Without energy,
there are only
shades of gray.
Doug Hall

R AND R TIP # 68:  RELAX and have some FUN

I was thinking about how much time we actually spend doing what we love versus doing what needs to be done? Isn’t it amazing to think that most of our time is spent doing things that we think need to be done instead of choosing to do the things that we really enjoy doing?

We need to take back the fun that we are given on a daily basis:  the fun of crunchy cereal, of cold milk and hot coffee, of birdsong and dog wag, of smiles and waves, of warm blankets and light reading,Eating lunch in the park, attending to a vegetable garden in your backyard, or watching the sunset are just a few simple ideas for how you can have some fun on a daily basis. 

Never be too busy to laugh, or too serious to smile. Instead, surround yourself with fun people and don’t get caught up in your own sense of importance.A good cup of coffee when I first wake. Time spent playing with my one of my grand children . Cooking a nice meal in the evening. These may not seem terribly exciting, but they are some of the simple pleasures I enjoy in life. If you slow down for just a moment and take the time to appreciate these ordinary events, life becomes instantly more enjoyable.

Doing something that we love is a gift to ourselves and others as well. When we create happiness and joy in our lives, we become happier people, we get more done, we become more motivated and we spread the joy around to others.  Get out of the habit of just doing things because they need to be done and let yourself have fun. 

Doing something we loves gives us zest for living and the ability to laugh and have fun.  Most people lack enough FUN in their lives because they don't plan to have fun.  They don't have a game plan!  We've heard about a balanced life, which means play as much as you work as much as you eat as much as you sleep. Take care of your body, mind and spirit as another means of balance in your life  It's all up to us.  We need to  become aware of the truly fun things that make us happy.

Schedule time on a daily or weekly basis for fun, including: individual fun time, couple fun time, co-worker fun time, family fun time. The pioneers of our country played a key role in settling the western and central American territories. The trail out west was long and hard, but games helped keep the pioneers' spirits high after a long day on the road.. We all need to leave room for down time and fun.

Have fun each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes and whatever you choose, be sure to laugh.

Having fun needs no explanation, it is its own excuse.

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


More aboutR & R for Sunday, September 25th, 2011

It's GITTING time!

Posted by Unknown

Let's GIT while the GITTING is good.  Won't you join me?

The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!
More aboutIt's GITTING time!

Question of the Week

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, September 22, 2011


Friday September 23rd is officially Fall… What is your favorite part of the Fall/Autumn Season…

I would like to say cooler temps but it will be Thanksgiving before we see more 80’s then 90’s or even dream of 70’s…

My all time favorite part of Fall is of course Halloween from pumpkins to scary costumes…





And the yummy smells of bread baking…


Leave your answer in the comment section or write up your answer in your blog and link up to our Show and Tell in our sidebar…

Happy Fall…

More aboutQuestion of the Week

In This Fleeting Moment

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, September 20, 2011

If you ever find yourself in Laguna Beach, California, there is a small park on the Pacific Ocean that is easy to overlook.

At the edge of the park, there are two rails with stained glass surrounding a poem.

The poem reads-


This small and precious gem, Brown's Park, was donated by Joe Brown after his home on the property was destroyed. What an incredible gift to create and share something joyful and inspiring, rendered out of loss and heartbreak.

I found it lovely and inspiring, and I hope you do too.

Thank you so much, and has anything awed or inspired you lately?
More aboutIn This Fleeting Moment

Motivation Monday - A New Journey

Posted by Unknown on Monday, September 19, 2011

Life is full of all kinds of stages and phases. These days things seem to be more hectic than ever, not just in my own life but in the whole world around me. There is so much beauty all around us too, if only we took time to see it, breathe it, and embrace it. The problem is that most of us are going as fast as we can to get to where we need to be that we aren’t enjoying our journey – and really, the journey is the only thing we have in the end.

Do you spend your weekdays dreading getting up early, going to work, working all day, and then counting down to the weekend the whole week long – basically just wishing your life away? Then on the weekends do you spend your time cleaning, doing laundry, and getting things ready for the work week? I know I do all of these things. It’s all just a big vicious circle with no real living going on in between. What a shame that is.

I’m tired of living at such a hectic pace.  Through the years I’ve learned to say no. I’ve learned how having routines can help. I’ve also learned that when I get the proper rest, eat right and workout on a regular basis that it makes me feel like there are more hours in the day because I’m healthier physically, mentally and emotionally. I know it’s time to get back to those things that I already know work to my benefit - yes, I've been slacking in those departments lately.

Beyond that, the main change I know I need to make right now is to minimize. The "stuff" is taking up all my time and and stressing me out beyond belief. I'm so done with it all!

This is where my journey to minimalism begins and you my friends are coming along for the ride. 

CHALLENGE: How much can we get rid of this week? Let's be ready to share next Monday either in the comment section or by linking up a post on the sidebar with photos of your progress. It doesn't matter if we get rid of one little bag or a truckload. The goal is just to get started!
Wishing you a Motivated Monday!
More aboutMotivation Monday - A New Journey

R and R for Sunday, September 18th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, September 18, 2011

R and R Tip # 67:  Recipe for Relaxation

If you are stressed out all the time, something will have to change in order for the stress to be relieved. It will not just go away as long as you keep doing the same thing. If you want different results, you have to change the ingredients.

  You work hard and you deserve a break, so why not pamper yourself with a little relaxation?

Mix 1 part sand with 2 parts crystal blue water. Heat to approximately 85 degrees with constant sunshine. Gently cool with pleasant breezes. Blend in days of snorkeling, windsurfing, and sun bathing, and a generous helping of napping in the middle of the day. Shake with amazing food and constant laughter and serve in a frosted glass. Garnish with pineapple slice and tiny umbrella. Serve immediately

Relaxation will come when you allow yourself to detach and be in the present moment fully.  

One recipe I use regularly is

1 x Good Fiction Book1 x Hot Bath 

30 mins of uninterrupted ME time
Topped off with a nice big ice cream cone.

Did you know that the Recipe for Health is proper nutrition, exercise and some form of relaxation?

See the key ingredient there?  Relaxation is so very important for all of us

Mix up the ingredients then REST and RELAX today!

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


More aboutR and R for Sunday, September 18th, 2011

It's GITTING time!

Posted by Unknown on Friday, September 16, 2011

Let's GIT while the GITTING is good.  Won't you join me?
The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!
More aboutIt's GITTING time!

Question of the Week

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, September 15, 2011


Which do you prefer: Actual Paper Books or Electronic Readers… Pros and Cons…



I love the smell of paper books, holding them in my hands, seeing stacks of them… I would be afraid with an electronic reader I would be so busy collecting books into it that I wouldn’t actually be reading the stories… At work one day my friend was not able to read her electronic book as it would not turn on, it turned out to be just the battery was dead… But I felt bad for her as I continued to turn the pages in my book happily reading while she was not able to… I do agree with the thought of the electronic readers being good for the environment by going GREEN…

Happy Reading…

More aboutQuestion of the Week

Happy Birthday TMS

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Happy Second Birthday to The Motivation Station!


How has The Motivation Station Inspired or Motivated YOU…


Happy Birthday!

More aboutHappy Birthday TMS

Motivation Monday

Posted by Unknown on Monday, September 12, 2011

We have a new family member I'd like to introduce you to this week. Meet little Peanut...

He's a beautiful little dog, pretty sure he's a purebred Yorkie. He's 2-3 years old, very well behaved, he's just perfect! Reason he was taken to the shelter to begin with - he was bought as a "purse puppy" but got bigger than they thought he would and too heavy to carry around. How cold and cruel!

We adopted him for a place called MM Pet Rescue in Venice, Florida. The owner of the adoption shelter goes across the state to the shelters that still continue to euthanize thousands upon thousands of animals every year. He saves all that he can and brings them back for adoption. His motto is "Saving Dogs Lives One At A Time."

Please consider adopting an unwanted pet from a shelter, and please spay or neuter all your pets! 

Little Peanut is a perfect little pup, he would have been put down within days if MM Pet Rescue didn't get to him in time. Thank you MM Pet Rescue for bringing such joy to our family and for saving so many others too!

Why not get motivated to stop by your local shelter today?
More aboutMotivation Monday

R & R for Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, September 11, 2011

What do I want to take home from my summer vacation?  Time. The wonderful luxury of being at rest.  The days when you shut down the mental machinery that keeps life on track and let life simply wander.  The days when you stop planning, analyzing, thinking and just are.
Summer is my period of grace.

Ellen Goodman

R and R tip # 66:  REST

Even though our summer vacations are a thing of the past, I hope that the break you were able to take left you refreshed for the work days ahead.  

Relaxing days spent in the sunshine are over and fall brings some pretty stressful times for some of us.  We have chores to do around the house to prepare for winter.  We have many activities related to our jobs and to our families

Before we know it the holidays will be here and there is much to prepare in order to be ready for them too.

A good rest is half the work.

What can we do to keep that sunny vacation feeling and realize that we don’t have to relinquish those delicious feelings of vacation

The biggest and most important part of vacation is feeling refreshed and relaxed.  We took  time to breath more and do less.  Time to recognize  what brings joy and what brings out the joy in our lives.

Today I'm sharing some tips on how to live every day of our lives as though we were on vacation.

Take at least one afternoon a week to throw your cell in a drawer and close that computer. Really lose track of time.

Change your to do lists into not do lists, as in, what would you like to free yourself from this week/month

Give your boudoir the hotel once-over and ditch everything that doesn’t say relaxation

Try talking to someone new every day. You don’t have to be ocean-side to say hello there and ask for a good lunch spot.
Slow down and celebrate the small stuff. Celebrate a great hair day, an inspiring conversation with a friend, finishing a book

Stay connected to nature. Do what you can to bring a little of nature’s positive perspective into your world

When you’re away from home, it’s easy to splurge on yourself. Return home, however, and you’ll list off reasons why you shouldn’t. I'm not advocating reckless spending, but there’s something satisfying about treating yourself every now and then. When you see something you want, balance splurging and practicality by putting a little money aside until you can justify the expense. Then spoil yourself a little.

Take the scenic route.  It is too easy to get stuck in ruts.  A little change in the way you drive to work or even do your chores can make a big difference.  Take a right instead of a left.  Explore.  New scenery can be thrilling when you’re on vacation, but remember to enjoy the simple things when you’re back home, too. If you live in a picturesque area, take the time to get out and explore it

 Learn to relax. Even through the simple act of breathing -- can have health benefits,  Remembering to breathe in tense situations will also keep you calmer.

There’s a reason you often pack a pair of cross-trainers when you’re on vacation: You end up walking everywhere.  We can all try to walk some more and refresh our routine.

Get more sleep. Try to get to bed a little earlier each weeknight and give yourself one weekend morning to sleep in an extra hour. Doing so gives your body the rest it requires and can help you feel less irritable and get over illnesses quicker. Getting an extra hour’s sleep also means fewer cups of coffee and caffeine side-effects, plus you’ll be more energized each day

The key to keeping that happiness lies in how relaxing the vacation was. Most vacationers, when they return from their trip, immediately report that their happiness levels fell to normal levels.  The only vacationers who kept their feeling of happiness are those that reported their vacation as very relaxing. When vacation time is over, strive to add more pleasurable activities to your day. You don’t have to cut out the less thrilling ones, too, but doing at least one activity you enjoy daily will give you a break from the more stressful  parts of your day.

Keep that vacation GLOW all year round with a little REST and RELAXATION.

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


More aboutR & R for Sunday, September 11th, 2011


Posted by Unknown on Saturday, September 10, 2011

Let's GIT while the GITTING is good.  Won't you join me?
The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!

Also don't forget about Tailgating Time! Yes, it's time for the second annual season of Tailgating Time!
It doesn't matter if you are a football fan or not, great party food is always a good thing. Bring over your grilled goods, chips and dips, appetizers, chili and chowders, cocktails, or any recipes that would be great for the football party buffet!

We have decided to make a change this year in the way Tailgating Time will work. Instead of a new linky for each week we will be using the same linky to keep all the great recipes in one place for easy access to the recipes and to create one awesome recipe index collection. There is no limit to how many you add, of course we hope you will add a new recipe each and every week!

If any of you would like to host along with us you can click --> get the InLinkz code to add it to your blog too. You can post it once in awhile or every week during football season, that's up to you. The only thing we ask is that you leave a comment to let us know you are co-hosting, and that you visit and comment on the links added that week. 

We are opening the linky here to get things rolling. Click the blue button below to add your favorites. I can't wait to see what you will bring to the party. Let the games begin. Whoo-hoo!


Motivational Guest - Clint Cora

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, September 8, 2011

BANG!  I was still in bed when I heard that the other morning. Since I already heard that similar sound a few times this year, I knew that it was another fender-bender of a car crash outside. 
I went to the window facing the street and sure enough, there was a car stopped just past the intersection and another one that was actually OFF the road right on the corner pedestrian sidewalk area!
This second car must have been hit with enough force to send it off the road.  Fortunately, no pedestrians were on that corner at that time.  If this happened on a school day, this could have been very different.
What amazes me is that this is about the fourth or fifth such traffic accident at the same intersection this year.  It's usually when one car is trying to beat the traffic lights and another one is turning into the intersection, usually during morning or evening rush hours.

Always In A Rush Is A Symptom Of Poor Time Management

The drivers of the speeding vehicles who tried to outrun the amber (or even red) light were likely in a rush to get somewhere.  They are the ones who feel extra frustrated especially when it seems that each time they approach a traffic light, it's turning amber or red.   
I've had this feeling -- haven't you?

The need to rush somewhere especially during rush hours is a symptom of poor time management.   Since I've been down this road before so to speak, I've learned a few things to avoid the need to rush.  

Here are some useful tips.
1) Factor in additional travel time in the morning, especially if you have snow days
2) Wake up earlier in the morning and go to bed earlier the night before
3) Prepare as much of what you need for the day during the night before by setting out your work materials and wardrobe (do this for kids too)
4) If possible, schedule appointments and travel outside of rush hours
5) Relax during driving knowing it's better to be arrive late and safe
6) Enjoy music or an educational audio 
7) Do NOT try to beat the traffic lights

Most car accidents are TOTALLY preventable.  If only individuals learn not to be in so much of a rush, a lot of damage, injuries and grief could be avoided.  

This is always a very expensive lesson for those who were the offending drivers as they not only put themselves at risk, but also other innocent drivers, passengers and pedestrians in danger.
We have all heard that by improving our time management habits, we will become more productive.  But now we also know that better time management in terms of advance preparation can also possibly save lives and limbs. 

And if you need an audio to listen to while driving, there's always the audio version of 'The Life Champion In You'
Be safe out there and arrive at your destination in one piece.

Clint Cora is a motivational speaker, author and Karate World Champion. See his FREE 3-part Personal Development Video Series to learn how to expand your comfort zones to conquer even your most daunting goals in life.
More aboutMotivational Guest - Clint Cora

Question of the Week

Posted by Unknown


What is your favorite window dressing… Blinds, Curtains, Drapes, Shades…

I love the Faux Wood Blinds… But I also have regular blinds… Colors alternating between white and blue… With valances on top to add color and style…


Leave your answer in the comment section or write up your answer in your blog and link up to our Show and Tell in our sidebar…

Happy Cleaning…

More aboutQuestion of the Week

Something Silly for Sanity's Sake

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ma blogged a couple weeks ago, about how important "looking at the lighter side of life" is to our well being.

I hope you enjoy this video of our dog Charley, (who has never howled before!!), howling at the honking cars of the neighborhood Swim Team's Victory Parade two months ago.

I have been looking at the lighter side more, now that my mom is recovering nicely. Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and good wishes.

What has brought a smile to your face recently? Thank you again, Happy Wednesday!
More aboutSomething Silly for Sanity's Sake