R and R for Sunday, September 4th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, September 3, 2011

R and R Tip # 65:  Start your Back to School and Fall routine now

Going back to school always meant earlier bed times and less sleeping in.  I think this is a great routine for all of us as fall and yes, even winter, approaches.

As part of our back to school routine we tried to  establish a schedule for homework, TV, baths and bedtime.  I'd make dates with friends from school to reestablish connections that may have been dropped for the summer too.  

Routines like these can be helpful in any walk of life.  I know I love my bedtime routines and I love getting together with old friends.  Rest and Relaxation are two things that we can never forget to include in our busy lives.

Often we just go and go, not stopping to take a rest, not stopping to refresh and recreate ourselves.  We really do need to rest and allow our bodies, minds, and spirits to catch up with us so that they can be even stronger as we push ahead.

If you look at most any school calendar you'll see that along with school days there are also scheduled breaks in the school year too.

Someone who works hard all week to become a better banker or teacher or businessman can use the weekend days off to work on his or her abilities as a father or mother.  Someone who spends all week taking care of others can spend days off taking care of him or her self.  Someone who's working on a project can take a day off for a walk in the woods in order to clear their minds and be able to get back to the project with a clear head.  

This is why schools have such long breaks - without down time to process the knowledge, it would be lost.

It's easy to get lax during the summer months and now's the time to get back into the good habits just in time for the homework to begin.  Make those schedules and stick to your routines and you will feel rested and refreshed to do what you love to do.

This season is filled with magic and mystery, and when we spend time reflecting on the beauty around us, we are opened to a whole new world of inspiration and love. Enjoy the season and the miracles that are already here for us.

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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