Motivational Guest - Clint Cora

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, September 8, 2011

BANG!  I was still in bed when I heard that the other morning. Since I already heard that similar sound a few times this year, I knew that it was another fender-bender of a car crash outside. 
I went to the window facing the street and sure enough, there was a car stopped just past the intersection and another one that was actually OFF the road right on the corner pedestrian sidewalk area!
This second car must have been hit with enough force to send it off the road.  Fortunately, no pedestrians were on that corner at that time.  If this happened on a school day, this could have been very different.
What amazes me is that this is about the fourth or fifth such traffic accident at the same intersection this year.  It's usually when one car is trying to beat the traffic lights and another one is turning into the intersection, usually during morning or evening rush hours.

Always In A Rush Is A Symptom Of Poor Time Management

The drivers of the speeding vehicles who tried to outrun the amber (or even red) light were likely in a rush to get somewhere.  They are the ones who feel extra frustrated especially when it seems that each time they approach a traffic light, it's turning amber or red.   
I've had this feeling -- haven't you?

The need to rush somewhere especially during rush hours is a symptom of poor time management.   Since I've been down this road before so to speak, I've learned a few things to avoid the need to rush.  

Here are some useful tips.
1) Factor in additional travel time in the morning, especially if you have snow days
2) Wake up earlier in the morning and go to bed earlier the night before
3) Prepare as much of what you need for the day during the night before by setting out your work materials and wardrobe (do this for kids too)
4) If possible, schedule appointments and travel outside of rush hours
5) Relax during driving knowing it's better to be arrive late and safe
6) Enjoy music or an educational audio 
7) Do NOT try to beat the traffic lights

Most car accidents are TOTALLY preventable.  If only individuals learn not to be in so much of a rush, a lot of damage, injuries and grief could be avoided.  

This is always a very expensive lesson for those who were the offending drivers as they not only put themselves at risk, but also other innocent drivers, passengers and pedestrians in danger.
We have all heard that by improving our time management habits, we will become more productive.  But now we also know that better time management in terms of advance preparation can also possibly save lives and limbs. 

And if you need an audio to listen to while driving, there's always the audio version of 'The Life Champion In You'
Be safe out there and arrive at your destination in one piece.

Clint Cora is a motivational speaker, author and Karate World Champion. See his FREE 3-part Personal Development Video Series to learn how to expand your comfort zones to conquer even your most daunting goals in life.

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