Motivation Monday - Health and Fitness Recap

Posted by Unknown on Monday, March 19, 2012

Here at Motivation Monday I've been doing a series on Health and fitness for the last 6 weeks. I've presented challenges,tools, articles, assignments and invited all of you to participate along with me. Here's a little recap of the past 6 weeks along with the links for each post if you are just joining us...


Health and Fitness - Time to focus on health and fitness! I presented a list of 10 things we could do in order to prepare ourselves both mentally and physically to start taking better care of ourselves. I called the first 3 weeks our pre-training time.


Health and Fitness Challenge - I repeated the 10 things list complete with my answers. I had started daily walks and healthier eating and challenged you to do the same.


Final Pre-Training Week - I suggested we start using helpful tracking tools - My Fitness Pal to track food and exercise to get an idea of our average nutrition intake and calories burned during exercise. I also suggested wearing a pedometer to see what our steps are like on average, prior to making any changes or setting new goals.


Making Fitness Fun - Just fun little things we can all do to add little bits of fitness to our day.


Muscle - Building muscle is so important! I dedicated my fitness focus to building muscle at this point, and I challenged you to grab some weights and learn how to use them too. 


Transformation - I read the book Transformation, joined the website and the 12 week spring challenge. I also began the Transformation 5/25 workout plan.


I started out slowly but stuck with my goals each week. I'm getting stronger each day, my endurance is building, I've lost 10 pounds, 2 inches from my waist, and my body-fat levels are down a full 5%. 

How are you coming along on your own health and fitness goals?

The hows and whys don't really matter. When it comes down to the bottom line it's pretty simple - either we do it or we don't. 

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!

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