Mid Week Check In/What's Happening

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hello Tms'ers and Happy Wednesday!

I am not feeling too motivated or inspired these days, as I have been so busy with an increase in work hours, and illness of the patients, oldest son's Show Choir competition season, youngest son's soccer tournaments and practice, and of course, housework, chores, and squeezed in there, exercise, and of course, rest and relaxation, as prescribed by Ma!

I have realized it really doesn't matter how inspired I feel about stuff, half the battle is just showing up. I have been consistent about working out, and better about meal planning. Decluttering as I clean up, is now second nature to me. I actually enjoy cleaning out the refrigerator and excel at it!! Instead of focusing on how much I have to do, I take pride in how far I,(we), have all come on progressing towards our goals.

So, this is a mid week huddle, just to say, Great Job! Keep up the good work with a High Five and a "booty" bump!

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