Leaving on a Jet Plane

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hello TMS'ers, and Welcome to a Whirlwind Wednesday. Our family is flying to the Sunshine State this week for a vacation, and also to see our son perform with his Show Choir. Thank goodness for lists, and more lists, as I count down the time to prepare for our trip.

I took this week off from work, in order to get ready for our trip, yes, it's been that crazybusy.

Among the items on my "to do list" that I've completed are-

- Pay the bills

- Finish taxes

- Laundry, lots of laundry

- Stock up on petfood

- Pick up maps and guidebook about our vacation destination from Auto club

- Meet with petsitters about care of our furbabies and plants

- Print out boarding passes and theme park tickets

I still need to finish packing, charge and download diversions for various electronic devices, and make sure the boys have packed appropriately.

I also have to change purses, cancel the newspaper, and tidy up the house before we leave.

Did I forget anything?? ;oD

Please share your travel secrets, whether you venture cross country or county! Thank you so much, Martha

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