Motivation Monday - Transformation

Posted by Unknown on Monday, March 12, 2012

This week I wanted to share Bill Phillips book and his 18 step challenge with you. I read the entire book yesterday and will be working on the 18 steps in detail one at a time over the next several weeks. I've also joined the Spring Forward Challenge.

Some of you may remember my post from way back in June 2010 - My Personal Health and Fitness Journey. My journey was based on Bill Phillips original book Body For Life. Next to my father, my husband and my sons, Bill Phillips has been the most influential man in my life. Bill is the reason I am 7 pounds away from my goal weight instead of 70!

This book is about transforming your life, not just your body. Check out the links and let me know if you are ready to transform your life too!

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!

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