During a team meeting at work yesterday, my supervisor led a discussion about taking time out of the day to care of yourself, whether it's taking a walk, a stretch break, or a cup of tea, and how important this is.
My work team is comprised mostly of nurses with an administrative assistant and social worker in the mix. We shared our experiences about "self care", including our health insurance plan incentives for working out, the importance of getting into a routine, and the "pay off" of increased energy, decreased back pain, and reduced stress.
In a group filled with "caregivers", we talked at length about the issue of guilt as a barrier to taking care of yourself, guilt about taking time to exercise, eat right, and just recharge. A few of my colleagues felt guilt about when they couldn't exercise, and gosh, this emotion is just unforgiving, and so counterproductive! I have realized it all starts with me, that if I don't take care of myself, first and foremost, I can't do diddly-squat for anybody else, not my family, friends, colleagues, patients, nobody!
Among the reasons I have been successful in achieving some, (not all, by far), of my fitness goals, is that I am consistent with a routine, and I work to avoid the "guilt trap". I do the best I can, and I have learned to celebrate my successes, and accept and overcome my shortcomings.
I invite you to "cut yourself a break" today, and please let me know about a nice thing that you've done for yourself recently, whether it's big, small, or in between.
More about → Guilt about taking care of yourself? What's Up with that??