Posted by Unknown on Friday, March 30, 2012

The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!
More aboutIT'S TIME TO GIT!

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hello TMS'ers, and Welcome to a Whirlwind Wednesday. Our family is flying to the Sunshine State this week for a vacation, and also to see our son perform with his Show Choir. Thank goodness for lists, and more lists, as I count down the time to prepare for our trip.

I took this week off from work, in order to get ready for our trip, yes, it's been that crazybusy.

Among the items on my "to do list" that I've completed are-

- Pay the bills

- Finish taxes

- Laundry, lots of laundry

- Stock up on petfood

- Pick up maps and guidebook about our vacation destination from Auto club

- Meet with petsitters about care of our furbabies and plants

- Print out boarding passes and theme park tickets

I still need to finish packing, charge and download diversions for various electronic devices, and make sure the boys have packed appropriately.

I also have to change purses, cancel the newspaper, and tidy up the house before we leave.

Did I forget anything?? ;oD

Please share your travel secrets, whether you venture cross country or county! Thank you so much, Martha
More aboutLeaving on a Jet Plane

Motivation Monday - Motivational Moment

Posted by Unknown on Monday, March 26, 2012

Wishing you a Motivated Monday and a wonderful week!
More aboutMotivation Monday - Motivational Moment

R & R for Sunday, March 25th, 2012

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, March 25, 2012

R and R Tip # 94:  Relax, Remove and Simplify

Life is a risky enterprise. Sometimes we fly high, enjoying great success. But then suddenly we fall into deep disappointments and the haunting reality of failure, leaving our hearts wondering if there is anything worth looking forward to.

Instead of making everything so difficult, why don’t we decide to simplify our lives and enjoy the rest and satisfaction that comes through simplicity.  Somehow life gets so complicated it eventually drains us of our energy and produces frustration and fatigue.

The answer for the problem of multiplicity is a return to simplicity.

The resurgence of an old idea, living a simpler life,  isn't surprising at a time when many people feel overwhelmed by their busy, complicated lives.  It's not just your home that can get cluttered. Your life and even your mind can also become overcrowded with too much junk.

A simpler daily lifestyle is usually one that is pretty low in stress after all, but still plenty abundant in happiness!

Who doesn’t like to imagine sitting on a beach with nothing to do but watch the waves roll in. But unless you are really planning to move to an island on the next flight out, that is not going to help you much today. 

Leaning to appreciate more and accumulate less is one way to free yourself from clutter both mentally and physically.  Life is a journey not a destination so we need to live it like one.  Scaling back is the key to a to a better life and fuller lives.

Sundays are like a BEACH day for me.  I'll be relaxing and simply enjoying this day of rest and relaxation.

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

More aboutR & R for Sunday, March 25th, 2012


Posted by Unknown on Friday, March 23, 2012

The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!
More aboutIT'S TIME TO GIT!

Teen Birthday Party- Before & After Preparation Photos

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, March 21, 2012

We celebrated our oldest son's 17th birthday this past weekend. (Gee, that went fast.)

The birthday boy requested a "Rainbow Cake" which I've never made before.
Basically, you make a batch of white cake batter-

Then, divide the batter into six bowls, and use food coloring to create vivid purple, blue, red, yellow, orange, and green batter.

Next, layer the colored batter in pan. I used the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple color configuration for the rainbow. Here is the colorful mixture, all layered and ready for baking.

Bake as directed, and frost with either whipped cream or buttercream frosting.

I had to take this photo quickly, the cake went fast!

We had 60+ guests invited to the party, and rain was in the forecast, so we rented a tent for the backyard.
It's a big job to put up the tent, Charley wants to socialize.

The tent and boxing bounce house all set up and ready for action, my son and his friend get ready to Party!
More aboutTeen Birthday Party- Before & After Preparation Photos

Motivation Monday - Health and Fitness Recap

Posted by Unknown on Monday, March 19, 2012

Here at Motivation Monday I've been doing a series on Health and fitness for the last 6 weeks. I've presented challenges,tools, articles, assignments and invited all of you to participate along with me. Here's a little recap of the past 6 weeks along with the links for each post if you are just joining us...


Health and Fitness - Time to focus on health and fitness! I presented a list of 10 things we could do in order to prepare ourselves both mentally and physically to start taking better care of ourselves. I called the first 3 weeks our pre-training time.


Health and Fitness Challenge - I repeated the 10 things list complete with my answers. I had started daily walks and healthier eating and challenged you to do the same.


Final Pre-Training Week - I suggested we start using helpful tracking tools - My Fitness Pal to track food and exercise to get an idea of our average nutrition intake and calories burned during exercise. I also suggested wearing a pedometer to see what our steps are like on average, prior to making any changes or setting new goals.


Making Fitness Fun - Just fun little things we can all do to add little bits of fitness to our day.


Muscle - Building muscle is so important! I dedicated my fitness focus to building muscle at this point, and I challenged you to grab some weights and learn how to use them too. 


Transformation - I read the book Transformation, joined the website and the 12 week spring challenge. I also began the Transformation 5/25 workout plan.


I started out slowly but stuck with my goals each week. I'm getting stronger each day, my endurance is building, I've lost 10 pounds, 2 inches from my waist, and my body-fat levels are down a full 5%. 

How are you coming along on your own health and fitness goals?

The hows and whys don't really matter. When it comes down to the bottom line it's pretty simple - either we do it or we don't. 

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!

More aboutMotivation Monday - Health and Fitness Recap

R & R for Sunday, March 18th, 2012

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, March 18, 2012

 Warning: the Internet may contain traces of nuts. 

Author Unknown

R and R Tip # 93 : Read the warning signs

Have you ever seen signs along the beach that say:  NO SWIMMING 

It's a warning sign for people so that they don't go in the water...Something is wrong.  Maybe there is a strong undercurrent or polluted water.

We are often like the people that dive right in anyway.  Totally ignoring the warning signs.  We put on a wetsuit and dive into the ocean in an attempt to retrieve our hopes and dreams. We're more comfortable in the mucky waters than in heading the warning signs

Don't ignore the warning signs. If you are beginning to feel overwhelmed, tired out and are dragging your feet to get through the day , you may need to make a life change or amend your situation with a few small deeds. Take caution to see the signs that you are becoming overwhelmed before they are able to take a toll on your mental, emotional, and physical states.

One of the essentials that we tend to disregard is looking after ourselves when our burden becomes heavy. But self care is even more critical at times like this, so be kind to yourself. Remember that sleep and rest are not just important for coping with stress.  Numerous studies show that it is essential for good health.

Next time life confronts you with a warning sign , take a deep breath, slow right down and attend to the simplest things that are important to keep you going. Gather your strength, remembering that you are definitely up to the challenge and eventually this too shall pass.  Life is sometimes compared to a journey.  On a journey, we heed the warning signs and head toward our destination.  We go forward to arrive there.  The choice is always ours!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


More aboutR & R for Sunday, March 18th, 2012


Posted by Unknown on Friday, March 16, 2012

The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!
More aboutIT'S TIME TO GIT!

Guilt about taking care of yourself? What's Up with that??

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, March 14, 2012

During a team meeting at work yesterday, my supervisor led a discussion about taking time out of the day to care of yourself, whether it's taking a walk, a stretch break, or a cup of tea, and how important this is.

My work team is comprised mostly of nurses with an administrative assistant and social worker in the mix. We shared our experiences about "self care", including our health insurance plan incentives for working out, the importance of getting into a routine, and the "pay off" of increased energy, decreased back pain, and reduced stress.

In a group filled with "caregivers", we talked at length about the issue of guilt as a barrier to taking care of yourself, guilt about taking time to exercise, eat right, and just recharge. A few of my colleagues felt guilt about when they couldn't exercise, and gosh, this emotion is just unforgiving, and so counterproductive! I have realized it all starts with me, that if I don't take care of myself, first and foremost, I can't do diddly-squat for anybody else, not my family, friends, colleagues, patients, nobody!

Among the reasons I have been successful in achieving some, (not all, by far), of my fitness goals, is that I am consistent with a routine, and I work to avoid the "guilt trap". I do the best I can, and I have learned to celebrate my successes, and accept and overcome my shortcomings.

I invite you to "cut yourself a break" today, and please let me know about a nice thing that you've done for yourself recently, whether it's big, small, or in between.
More aboutGuilt about taking care of yourself? What's Up with that??

Motivation Monday - Transformation

Posted by Unknown on Monday, March 12, 2012

This week I wanted to share Bill Phillips book and his 18 step challenge with you. I read the entire book yesterday and will be working on the 18 steps in detail one at a time over the next several weeks. I've also joined the Spring Forward Challenge.

Some of you may remember my post from way back in June 2010 - My Personal Health and Fitness Journey. My journey was based on Bill Phillips original book Body For Life. Next to my father, my husband and my sons, Bill Phillips has been the most influential man in my life. Bill is the reason I am 7 pounds away from my goal weight instead of 70!

This book is about transforming your life, not just your body. Check out the links and let me know if you are ready to transform your life too!

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!
More aboutMotivation Monday - Transformation

R & R for Sunday, March 11th, 2012

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, March 11, 2012

Work is not always required. 
There is such a thing as sacred idleness, 
the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected.

George Macdonald

R and R Tip#92:  Yesterday is gone; tomorrow is uncertain; today is here. Use it wisely

I hope you all remembered to spring forward this morning!  Daylight Savings Time began this morning,  Most of the US begins Daylight Savings Time at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday in March and reverts to standard time on the first Sunday in November .

Spring is just a few short weeks away and I'm sure that I'm not the only one looking through seed catalogs and garden shops making plans for what we want to grow this year.  Each spring, I love seeing my little planters on the back patio overflowing with colorful flowers. 

The planters never look better than when I first set them in the pots. I water them well each day for a week or two, happy for rainy days when nature does the job for me. But I am soon distracted and forget to keep the flowers watered. After just a few warm, dry days, every flower stem bends and the foliage droops down the sides of the pots. I fear the worst. But I’m thankful that if the soil is not completely dried up, I can water the plants and see them revive.

Just as water is necessary for our plants to survive, so is rest and relaxation is essential for us to flourish and grow.

Sometimes we begin to feel like those unwatered flowers.  We droop when we work too much and stress out about what isn't getting done in our lives. A quick fix for the flowers was to water them.  A quick fix for ourselves isn't always as easy as that. Be gentle with yourself and take time to relax and rest.  Short breaks may refresh you enough to get through the day, but for longer lasting effects, a good 7-8 hour sleep is needed.

There is a time to everything in life.  There is a time for work and a time for sleep.  There is a time for fun and a time to be serious.  Every day has 24 hours and every week has 7 days.  And in this time period, we must balance all the things for which we need to make time.  The average adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep a night.  Many of us cheat on that equation and end up suffering adversely for it.  

There is a time to work.  Everyone needs to do some work, not only to contribute to society but to remain mentally focused.  So, even the person living in retirement does some work to contribute and stay mentally sharp. 

 There must be a time to laugh and let loose.  We can’t be bogged down with stress all day long or we will suffer adversely in our health.  There has to be a time to be serious, otherwise, what can be accomplished merely laughing our way through life.

Life is a delicate balancing act, especially as we fill our lives with more and more things, more responsibilities.  When one gets married, or has children, or moves, or gets a new job, or gets an illness, it necessitates a rebalancing of the equation to reflect the new situation but still maintaining the basics of the time for work and time for rest, the time for seriousness and the time for fun and laughter. Perhaps one of life’s greatest challenges is maintaining this balance at all times.  

For me Spring will bring busier days.  We have lots planned to do our our family as the weather gets nicer.  The days of lingering over a good book with a cup of hot chocolate on cold days will be gone.  More things to do and more work too as my yard will be crying for some attention.   So I'll be looking to balance out the changes of the season and remember  to get the rest and relaxation needed too.

Rest and Relax!  Think of it as something you need to do for YOU!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


More aboutR & R for Sunday, March 11th, 2012


Posted by Unknown on Friday, March 9, 2012

The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!
More aboutIT'S TIME TO GIT!

Mid Week Check In/What's Happening

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hello Tms'ers and Happy Wednesday!

I am not feeling too motivated or inspired these days, as I have been so busy with an increase in work hours, and illness of the patients, oldest son's Show Choir competition season, youngest son's soccer tournaments and practice, and of course, housework, chores, and squeezed in there, exercise, and of course, rest and relaxation, as prescribed by Ma!

I have realized it really doesn't matter how inspired I feel about stuff, half the battle is just showing up. I have been consistent about working out, and better about meal planning. Decluttering as I clean up, is now second nature to me. I actually enjoy cleaning out the refrigerator and excel at it!! Instead of focusing on how much I have to do, I take pride in how far I,(we), have all come on progressing towards our goals.

So, this is a mid week huddle, just to say, Great Job! Keep up the good work with a High Five and a "booty" bump!
More aboutMid Week Check In/What's Happening

Motivation Monday - Muscle!

Posted by Unknown on Monday, March 5, 2012

Check out the collection of before and after photos of people of all ages at  Body For Life.

Think you are too old? Read this article.

Not sure how or where to start? 
Read these two articles by Leo Babauta at Zen Habits: 

The challenge this week is to grab some weights and learn how to use them! 

(The majority of this post was posted yesterday at my personal blog Minimalist in the Making)
More aboutMotivation Monday - Muscle!

R & R for Sunday, March 4th, 2012

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, March 4, 2012

Stress is caused by being here but wanting to be there.

Eckhart Tolle


If you have ever felt brain dead, burned out, stressed or or just plain worn out, then you deserve a break today.  You need more than a quick and easy break, you need a deep quality break.  You need a time of rest relaxation and rejuvenation.

If we pause for a brief moment and briefly forget all that we have to do. If we can pause for those few moments and forget everything. We will then make a surprising discovery, that the world actually goes on without us. This means that all we do and all our rushing about is not as important as we imagine. If we can realize this, that the world will actually go on without us, a healing process begins. We begin to relax. We realise that the most important thing is just being ourselves. We are at peace. Even our dreams are put to rest.

If you love something, set it free.
When we free ourselves of everything that weighs us down, we have to love ourselves enough to release any notions that we should have been different or should have acted differently in the past. We can relax and renew ourselves in a comfortable and nourishing environment.  For some it may be time spent in reflection.  Others will turn to calming activities that help them remember their purpose, such as journal writing, being in nature or studying.  Grant your self permission to relax and savor the stillness.
Remember the old adage that When one foot walks, the other rests

Our bodies have a natural inclination to rest.  We need to keep that balance going so that we don't stumble and fall.  Take a well deserved break!  Keep balance in your life.  You will be so much better for it and the effects will reach out to those around you

Relax, Max.  Make time each day to do absolutely nothing.  When we are on the go every hour of the day, we wear ourselves out mentally, physically, and emotionally.  Allow yourself enough break time each day to unwind and relax.  

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


More aboutR & R for Sunday, March 4th, 2012


Posted by Unknown on Friday, March 2, 2012

The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!
More aboutIT'S TIME TO GIT!