Motivation Monday - Back to the One a Day Challenge

Posted by Unknown on Monday, November 7, 2011

I took a break from the One a Day Challenge last week since it was Halloween week and I knew everyone had been busy preparing. Now we only have a couple of weeks until Thanksgiving arrives. Everyone ready to get back to the One a Day Challenge this week?

When I feel overwhelmed I seem to do best when I announce it publicly and especially when I can recruit others to join me in a challenge. Working together always seems to make things easier, and it's a way to hold ourselves accountable too..

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CHALLENGE - Pick one thing a day to declutter. It can be one bag, one box, one basket, one drawer, one shelf, one cabinet, or even just one single thing. 

It would be a good idea to think about what we need to do to be ready for the holiday season while doing the challenge in the coming weeks.

For me it's really hard to get motivated with decluttering during the week. My days are long with very little time to squeeze in anything extra. To top it off, I'm more of an all or nothing kind of person. That works out great when I have time to do it "all" but when I don't "nothing" gets accomplished. I'm hoping this challenge will motivate me to take those baby steps and do it a little bit at a time - it's the only way I'm going to get anything done!

Join me at my new blog Minimalist in the Making to follow my journey, and we'll meet right here next Monday to discuss this weeks One a Day Challenge progress.

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!

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