R & R for Sunday, November 13th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, November 13, 2011

He that can have Patience, can have what he will

 Benjamin Franklin

R and R Tip #75:  Relax, be patient.

Since it’s often impossible to avoid stress, we must deal with it. The key in dealing with stress it learning how to de-stress. It’s all about opening your valve and releasing the pressure.  Patience is the main ingredient necessary to get through difficult times.

Patience is our cheerful acceptance of life. Patience allows us to turn failure into success. Patience avoids needless worry and anxiety and in place brings peace of mind.

Patience means waiting for an expected outcome without the frustration, tension or anxiety.

Yes, it’s hard to be patient! But, without patience, you would have no hope. And, if the universe was organized so that your desires materialized instantly, that wouldn’t serve you either.
Patience helps you grow. It nourishes both compassion and empathy. So, embrace patience. Ultimately this makes you a stronger person.
Think about it.
Being impatient feels terrible. Traffic stresses you out. Crowded schedules drain your energy. Your kids acting like kids do frustrates you. Such tension causes strained relationships, manic diets, higher blood pressure, eroded happiness, and less focus
When you grow patient with yourself, you lighten that tense burden of accomplishment. You let go of a stressful timetable to enjoy the process of achieving your goal.  When you rest from work and a hectic schedule, you are in touch with your internal energy. Just as your muscles grow during periods of rest, so does your soul!

We can learn patience from observing nature. Look how long it takes a seedling to grow, flower and bear fruit. Why should we be different and unnatural?

Add to Life 
Sir William Osler
We are here to add what we can to, not get what we can from, life.

When in doubt, remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. Speed doesn’t always win. And if life is a race, do you really want to sprint to the end?
Just live patiently and enjoy the journey!
Have a Wonderful Sunday! 
See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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