Frugal Fridays With Jen- Enjoying Fall

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, October 21, 2010

Last Saturday, we took our son to a local farm that did not charge admission, and had a huge, free play area for children. He went through a hay labyrinth, climbed a mountain of hay, swan in a tin swimming pool full of corn kernels, slid down a slide made of giant irrigation tubing, rang some cow bells, and rolled tiny pumpkins down a chute made out of a painted gutter. All for free! Of course, they sold pumpkins too. He chose a tiny one that cost 50 cents. If you live anywhere near farmland, I'd imagine there are more places like this. We have dozens to choose from near our house.

On Sunday, we raked our leaves, and our son spent a few hours jumping in leaf piles. More free toddler entertainment!

Looking to carve a pumpkin? Try using these free jack 'o lantern templates.

Have you grown some pie pumpkins in your garden, or gotten a good pick-your-own deal? Here are directions to cook up that pumpkin yourself. Don't throw out the seeds either- try toasting them. I like to sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon.

Use the cooked pumpkin to make pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, or pumpkin pie. Or branch out and make a pumpkin roll or pumpkin pancakes.

I am a big fan of making spiced cider in the slow cooker, and letting it scent my house all day, then sipping it while watching a movie in the evening. A few of our house favorites are Hot Spiced Cranberry Cider, and Hot Apple Cider.

If you need free ideas for Halloween crafts, try here.

What are your favorite fall cheap thrills?

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