Thursdays With Linda: Halloween!!

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween weekend is finally upon us!!
Anyone planning on attending anything scary this weekend…
We plan on watching some scary movies… Trick or Treat, Jeepers Creepers, Sleepy Hollow…
Son2 putting the final touches on his costume…
Son3 is still deciding on his mask and final accessories…
Hubby built the temporary Halloween fence for the front yard…
I love it!!
I have assembled all the Halloween figures…
They are waiting for Sunday to make their appearance in the front yard…
Meanwhile they are freaking out all three boys and son1’s girlfriend…
We are predicted rain from Friday til Sunday morning… I know I am always wanting it to rain, but not on Halloween weekend… At least our temps are much cooler this year, in the 70’s instead of the 80’s…
I have a four day weekend… Lil mini vacation for Halloween…
Last year, son2 was a werewolf and scared many a trick or treater and their moms too…
So hubby built a frame to house the werewolf to make it look somewhat like son2 is standing in it… When actually he’ll be the scarecrow on the post…
It is so cool!
Hubby is outside now, putting up more lights and already making plans for next year’s Halloween…
Below is Hubby’s annual Halloween card… All artwork was drawn by hubby and then put into the computer to be colored and blended together to make the final effect…
Wishing everyone a Fun Filled Halloween Weekend from our house to yours…
Artwork and Poem by Hubby, 2010
Bats, cats and a cauldron with brew,
These are the some of the things that witches do.
Dark of night and a flying broom,
Their silhouettes appear across the moon.
A spell is cast and hurled at you,
There is no time, you know what to do.
More then one is not much fun,
But if you see more, you better run.
There’s not much lovin’ in a coven of witches,
If they get grumpy they’ll all become (        ).
Leaping aside, you could have died,
The only thing hurt is your shrinking pride.
Halloween night is their time to play,
So if you want to be safe, you’ll stay away.
Happy Halloween!

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