Thursdays With Linda: Halloween is almost here!!

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, October 21, 2010


What do you think… Scary or Cute…


How about now…

Son2 planning his Halloween costume…

He has since changed to a different shirt…

And even though I bought the burlap material in the Walmart fabric section, it is still itchy and stinky… So I am making a liner to put under it…

I also will be cutting eye and mouth holes and resewing the yarn in the face above…

I love it! It is so freaky…

Son2 will be scaring unsuspecting trick or treaters once again this year… Especially when he steps down from the frame/stand hubby is building…


Hubby has put in the posts for the third side of the fence around our front yard… But instead of finishing it just now, we are going to use scraps of left over wood and temporarily nail them up to look broken for a scarier Halloween front yard… And in the dirt area where we have not finished cementing the front walk we are going to pour the grass clippings from the next mowings to dry out for a straw/hay look…


144 Halloween pencils/erasers and various toys… I hope it’s enough treats…


I’ve started sorting through all the items to make the Halloween figures… When cleaning out the boy’s rooms I have to remember to think Halloween now and not give everything to Goodwill… From old Halloween costumes, pants, shirts, shoes, hats and such…


Stuffed animals, blanket sleepers, old trick or treat buckets, scarves…


Here is a new one I am creating this year… The body is an old Jester costume that hubby’s mom made him way back in the day… I have stuffed it with comforters and blankets… The head is a trick or treat bag stuffed with dish towels and wash cloths…


Here is me last year giving out treats in my witch’s costume…

Share your favorite Halloween costume by linking up your blog entry to TMS Show and Tell in the side column…

And here is me the past weekend at the Pumpkin Patch…

Now thirty pounds lighter…

Happy Halloween…

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