Thankless Jobs

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Today, I wanted to vent about Thankless Jobs, and overcoming deep seated dread and procrastination to tackle these much despised chores, whatever they might be!

The thankless job I finally tackled this week was cleaning out our food pantry.

There is no easy way to do it except take everything out, and sort and clean. (I use white vinegar because it's very effective and food safe.) It took the better part of the day.
I now have lots of shelf space after I got rid of three bags of expired food, stale cereal, and empty boxes and chip bags, a gift from my boys.
I'm also knee deep in my ongoing Thankless Job, laundry. It never ends...
How about you? What thankless job awaits you and weighs on you? How do you get motivated? Thank you so much, Martha @ A Sense of Humor is Essential

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