R & R for Sunday, October 31st, 2010

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, October 31, 2010

R & R TIP #21: RECOVER from your work

We tend to think of our days as sun rise to sun rise. In other words, we rise, we work, and then we end the day in rest. We rest to recover from our work… with whatever time is left over after the work is done.

Career and business goals often take a lot of our time and energy. Even if you love what you do doesn’t mean you too aren’t susceptible to burnout, fatigue and imbalances in your life. Working constantly without rest also cuts off your creative powers which can save you far more energy and time than you could otherwise.

Taking time to recover, reassess, plan and think can critically improve your performance. When we take a day off it gives us time to refocus our energies and attention.

Sundays are my days off, yet I am blogging here today. I don’t consider blogging to be work. It is one of my favorite pastimes and makes some relaxing hours for me. Even on days off, we do many things, but it is what we do that counts.

Giving yourself a recovery day can allow you to enjoy yourself, add some variety to your life and make you feel better about doing the work ahead. Don’t waste this time. Plan out spending it on activities you truly enjoy.

Throughout the day, your energy level naturally cycles up and cycles down. When it’s up, you’re capable of thinking deeply and getting a lot accomplished. When it’s down, all your mind and body want to do is rest and recover.

Rest and recovery are not optional. if you don’t rest when you need to, your body will force you to rest later, either by cycling down longer than usual or getting sick.

Plan to put recovery breaks into your daily or weekly routine. A recovery break is any activity that nourishes you, your mind, body or spirit. These can be anything from a 5 minute walk in the sunshine to weekend gardening. It could be a weekly workout in the gym, a game of golf or re-connecting with a long lost hobby or passion. It could as simple as leaving the office and having your lunch in the park.

The best part is when you give back to yourself, you end up with more energy, stamina and creativity. With a little planning, you can balance the demands of your work and career with that of you, as a human being. It is truly win/win.

Create a place in your home, at your your work or in your heart where you can go for quiet and recollection.
You deserve it!

See you all next Sunday!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

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