Looking at the Lighter Side

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today, I wanted to share a few fun phrases, (compliments of my much smarter and funnier friends), that help me look at The Lighter Side when things aren't going quite my way.

The Invisibility Cloak is what you are wearing when a waiter, clerk, receptionist, etc. completely, pointedly, and wholeheartedly ignores you, like you aren't there, like you are, yes, Invisible.

The Unprepared Tax is what you pay when you travel on vacation and have to pay $8 for 4 aspirin because you forgot your aspirin. Or $15 for sunblock or some other ridiculously overpriced forgotten item because you need it.

Can anyone guess what a MeanAger is? If you guessed, a Teenager, then you are correct! Not that a Meanager would ever admit that you are correct about Anything, not without an attitude and possible eye rolling!

Please, your turn! Do you have any expressions that help you lighten up?

Thank you so much, Martha @ A Sense of Humor is Essential

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