Frugal Fridays With Jen- Bread ?

Posted by Unknown on Friday, July 1, 2011

We have a bit of a conundrum here at Chez Spock. Our son (and our infant daughter) have dairy allergies. Our son eats probably 3 peanut butter sandwiches a day, which means a lot of bread.

The bread we've been used to buying now has dairy in it :(. In fact, EVERY bread at the store now seems to contain nonfat milk or whey in it. (Dear Breadmakers- what is UP with that?)

We have had to resort to the $5 per loaf homemade specialty store bread, and at $10 per week, it is hurting my budget.

Anyone have a recipe for milk-free homemade whole wheat or multi-grain bread that tastes great, has a nice soft crumb, and makes a 1.5-2 lb loaf? I am happy to make my own bread, but most of the recipes I've been finding have contained powdered milk as well.

Help me, Noble Readers!

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