Return Policy

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I think it's genetically programmed into some folks to never, ever have the ability to return anything for a refund. I, however, am not one of those people, as to me, it's just a waste of money not to return unsatisfactory or unwanted merchandise.

Some essentials in returning things are-

1. Read the Return/Exchange/Refund policy, fine print included, (especially crucial for online purchases), before you buy. All Sales Final is just that, it helps to know that going in. Keep the tags on, don't wear the shoes, just do what your told.

2. Keep your receipt, even if you throw into a shoe box like I've done in the past, just keep the darn thing until you are sure you are going to keep the item.

3. Consider making large purchases on a credit card as further protection, as you can often seek recourse from the credit card company for defective product or services.

4. Return merchandise promptly, it makes life easier for both the vendor who can hopefully resell it, and for you, to have that cash back in your pocket.

5. Plan to make your returns during non peak times, and please be sure and be nice to your retail clerks. They can make your life so much easier. Plus, they always enjoy a good joke and when I bring my own reusable shopping bags. ;o)

So, what's your Return policy? Do you return things promptly? How do you keep track of receipts? Please share any tips or tricks to help with the retail madness for us non-shoppers and non-returners. Thank you so much!

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