The List Makers Shall Inherit the Earth*

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A list is a most powerful thing. There is a sense of satisfaction, dare I say, accomplishment, based on the simple act of crossing off something on your "To-Do" List.

I have finished some longstanding and quasi-neglected things on my list, including deleting over 100 out of date documents and emptying the recycle bin on my computer, in addition to cleaning up my desk top icons.

I also updated the household budget (ugh, now I can see why I procrastinated on that little assignment), and did some filing.

I also installed my back up printer, since my other printer has an invisible paper jam I can't clear, and there is nobody who fixes printers anymore. It is apparently cheaper to buy a new printer than fix one!!!!

In order to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of some chores like cleaning my office, I listed smaller tasks like cleaning the closet, the drawers, and bookcase separately. This helps me stay focused and motivated, even if it's just one drawer or shelf, at least something got Done!!!

What lists have you been compiling lately and what have you accomplished?

How do you cope with feeling overwhelmed and make things more manageable?

Please let me know in the comments and Thank you So, So MUCH!

* Along with the meek, (this is according to my wise 83 y/o Dad who organizes a shopping list based on the layout of the store. Hey, he's a retired engineer who now does the household errands.)

Thank you all so much for your kind comments and insight from last Wednesday, I appreciate it, and you very much.

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