Motivation Monday: Motivational Guest - Clint Cora

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, July 17, 2011

Diversity, inclusion and equity are important topics in today's society. However, sometimes these are thought of as boring, politically correct areas important in companies and doesn't always grab public attention. Diversity to many people, especially from media, just doesn't seem to be a very sexy topic.

However, diversity can certainly become a sexy topic because certain skills developed in this area can make a person more attractive and sexy. This is a point I make in all my diversity talks and I prove this by involving the audience in a really fun way.

I tell the ladies in the audience that I will present profiles of two different men. Bachelor number one likes sports and drinks beer, ie., the 'Sports & Beer' guy. But he loves sports so much that if given the chance, he will ramble on and on with NFL or NBA statistics all night long during a date. He won't want to talk about anything else once he starts talking about sports.

The Sports & Beer guy is also a typical 'meat and potatoes' type of man, preferring to stick with very standard cuisine with a few bottles of beer of course (this is certainly a guy who doesn't read the recipes on The Motivation Station). This guy will not be willing to venture into any ethnic restaurant and doesn't know too much about other cultures. He hasn't traveled outside of North America much.

Bachelor number two also like sports and beer but unlike bachelor number one, he has traveled to many different places around the world. He has been exposed to many different foreign cultures, people, food, customs and languages. He might even be able to speak a foreign language. This man is definitely more 'worldly' than the first one.

Unlike the Sports & Beer guy, the Mr. Worldly enjoys experiencing ethnic cuisines and feels very comfortable in any ethnic restaurant. He does like a good steak every now and then but also likes to try out many other types of food from different cultures.

I then ask the women to choose which bachelor they think would be a more interesting date based on just these characteristics and not surprising, most ladies in my audiences always overwhelmingly vote in favor for Mr. Worldly.

This proves that if a man immerses himself with culture and develops the diversity skills to be able to interact well with people from different cultures, he will probably be considered more sexy than other men who are much more narrow in their cultural exposures. A diverse environment will allow a person to experience many different cultures if one is willing to.

This will work both ways as well since more cultured and sophisticated women can also appear sexier than those who are not adventurous enough to appreciate diversity in their lives. Let's face it, anybody who has experienced the world is always more interesting to talk to compared to somebody who hasn't ventured out of the home state or province. This proves that diversity is indeed sexy. On a more practical level, being effective in a diverse working environment is now considered beneficial to both your career and personal life.

Clint Cora is a motivational speaker, author and Karate World Champion. Get his free 3-part Personal Development Video Series to help you expand your comfort zone.


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