R & R for Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, July 3, 2011

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.

John Lubbock

R & R tip # 57: Slow down and Savor the Season

Much of the world is in a hurry, always rushing, yet very few people even know where they are going in life. If we want to be at peace with ourselves and enjoy life, we must stop rushing all the time. People rush to get to yet another event that has no real meaning for them or that they really don't even want to attend.

Rushing has become a disease of epidemic proportions.We hurry so much, we finally come to the place where we cannot slow down. Life is too precious to rush through it. I find at times that a day has gone by in a blur. At the conclusion of it, I know I was very busy all day, yet I cannot really remember enjoying much, if any, of it

We should let each thing in our lives have its season and realize we can enjoy that season without rushing into the next one.

It's Summer!

The pool beckons for a swim.

The rocking chairs on the front deck call for leisurely conversation.

The screen porch invites me to linger over a glass of lemonade.

The early morning light brings with it joyful bursts of bird songs, prompting me to lay in bed a little longer, listening.

It is always a difficult challenge to find the balance between work, rest and play. But as we journey through these weeks of summer there is a better chance of finding that balance.

We are all very busy trying to accomplish all that we think needs to be done, failing to enjoy the simple moments with family and friends. STOP and REFLECT on what is important in your life and act on that. You will see that some of what we think needs to be done, can actually wait until you take care of what really matters in your life....

Those lazy, hazy days of summer are here again. It's the season of surrender. It’s as if Mother Earth commands me to pay attention, to live in the moment. To savor real strawberries, to drink in the first light of morning that filters through the trees. To linger into the inky darkness of evening on the porch, our faces barely illuminated by light from the kitchen. To take my time to know too that the woods rarely feels as alive as it does in the hours before the sun reaches the treetops

Don't think about Monday coming fast, just luxuriate in today. It is time to slow down and enjoy the quiet of a summer Sunday morning with an extra cup of coffee or with the newspaper. It is time to take a leisurely walk and chat with neighbors and friends. Summer is the ideal time to nourish ourselves with time out from the busyness of the rest of the year.

Reclaim summer’s carefree spirit by adapting these three simple tips:

Get on island time

Add little bits of fun

Get outside

You’ll be more relaxed and patient, and you'll enjoy everything more.

Happy 4th of July everyone!

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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