Motivation Monday - Renovations Revisited

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, July 10, 2011

Do you still remember my post just days after Christmas On our way to a new year and then there was my Happy New Year post where I shared the beginnings of our massive renovations. There were a few posts in between over at MM's Missions too: Renovations and at my Catch up time post last month at Menagerie as well. Go ahead back and take a peek at those posts to see the renovation process along the way, I'll wait here for you ;-)

More than 6 months later my first and largest goal for this year has been reached, the renovations at the house we now comically refer to as "the mansion" have been completed! As of this past weekend things are still a big mess but it's a different kind of mess now - putting together and arranging furniture, hanging window treatments, lighting, and beginning the decorating.

Getting the living room set up...

Dining room with chairs in the way...

Starting some decorating in the kitchen....

My lighting put-er together-er...

We are getting there! This has been one heck of a journey, but after all our blood, sweat, and tears I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Lots more to share in the coming weeks.

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!

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