R & R for Sunday, July 31st, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, July 30, 2011

R and R Tip # 60: Revisit the Secret of Summer Simplicity

Ever feel like filler in the sandwich of life? There are days when everything seems to be scrunching me out of place, till I'm totally surrounded by the world's demands and am only trying to squeeze more into my time and my mind than I can realistically achieve. These are the days when I feel like the filler.

Successful people know the secret of success is to believe in themselves and believe in the possibilities. When faced with a challenge, they don’t give up. They persevere. They believe they can do whatever it takes to get the job done

Make the most of what’s left of Summer and practice a little minimalism. It is the last day of July and then comes August. Here are some tips to help you live a little more simply this summer.

Get rid of clutter. Start by clearing out the things closest to reach; the things you have accumulated already this year. Regift it, upcycle it, or sell it. If you have books or computers or other educational items

Invest in a hammock. This particular idea probably needs no explanation.

Picnic. Instead of eating out, call some friends and have a picnic. You can pack some sandwiches, a chip or twenty, and some great raspberry lemonade. The afternoon will pass quickly as you chat, catch up, and share your summer tales

Hang up your car keys. Take advantage of the nice weather and get out of your car. Dust off your bike, pump up the tires, and cycle instead. It’s free, good exercise, and you can feel the cool summer breeze through your hai

Take a road trip. Granted, Route 66 may be long gone, and while I just talked about hanging up your car keys, road trips are still possible

Take in a movie. One of my favorite things to do is wait for a really compelling movie to come out and make an afternoon of it. When its very hot out it is nice to enjoy someone else's air conditioning.

Our summer is going so great with lots of fun and action and activity. But there is also lots of fatigue. Summertime, while wonderful, can also be exhausting. Ultimately too many joys go undiscovered. It’s a vicious cycle. We are only blessed with summer for a few months a year, so make every second count!

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


More aboutR & R for Sunday, July 31st, 2011


Posted by Unknown on Friday, July 29, 2011

These 2 posters are what I was writing today's post around, but then I lost motivation and decided to GIT instead. SO, let's GIT while the GITTING is good.  Won't you join me?
The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!

Thursdays With Linda: Summer’s End…

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, July 28, 2011


Summer starts with us celebrating Hubby and My Birthdays in June…


And summer ends with us celebrating son1 and son3 birthdays at the end of July…


Which means in just two weeks School Starts!…


Have you started getting ready for Back to School yet…


I’ve shopped online for the basics of socks and underwear…


And took the boys shopping… New shirts for son2… 50-60% off at Sears…


And new shirts and a jacket for son3… Additional 40% off Clearance at Sears…

They have enough shorts to get through the first few months of school and we will see how their pants still fit once the weather gets colder…

Waiting on the school supplies lists from the teachers although we still have plenty of school supplies leftover from last year…

And their backpacks are still in good condition…

Next week they will find out their class schedules and who their new teachers are…

Son2 will be a Senior and son3 in the fifth grade…

Who will you be sending back to school and When… Are you ready…


Happy Summer Birthdays to all who celebrated birthdays this summer…


More aboutThursdays With Linda: Summer’s End…

Return Policy

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I think it's genetically programmed into some folks to never, ever have the ability to return anything for a refund. I, however, am not one of those people, as to me, it's just a waste of money not to return unsatisfactory or unwanted merchandise.

Some essentials in returning things are-

1. Read the Return/Exchange/Refund policy, fine print included, (especially crucial for online purchases), before you buy. All Sales Final is just that, it helps to know that going in. Keep the tags on, don't wear the shoes, just do what your told.

2. Keep your receipt, even if you throw into a shoe box like I've done in the past, just keep the darn thing until you are sure you are going to keep the item.

3. Consider making large purchases on a credit card as further protection, as you can often seek recourse from the credit card company for defective product or services.

4. Return merchandise promptly, it makes life easier for both the vendor who can hopefully resell it, and for you, to have that cash back in your pocket.

5. Plan to make your returns during non peak times, and please be sure and be nice to your retail clerks. They can make your life so much easier. Plus, they always enjoy a good joke and when I bring my own reusable shopping bags. ;o)

So, what's your Return policy? Do you return things promptly? How do you keep track of receipts? Please share any tips or tricks to help with the retail madness for us non-shoppers and non-returners. Thank you so much!
More aboutReturn Policy

Tuesdays With Kris: Greek Chicken Salad

Posted by Unknown on Monday, July 25, 2011

I've been doing well on my plan of shear exercise and eating well. I've lost about 10 pounds in a few weeks. My meals mainly consist of a protein shake for breakfast (from my nutritionist), salad with lots of protein for lunch, and the same for dinner with a carb like brown rice, quinoa, or whole wheat bread. I snack on veggies, fruit, jello, v-8 and fiber one bars.

And it's not boring if you love chicken and Greek flavors!

Greek Chicken & Herb Salad
(for 1)

What you need:
1 cup chicken breast, grilled or sauteed in a little oil 
(you can season with some garlic powder and s&p)
2 cups herb salad mesclun mix (includes parsely, dill, cilantro)
3/4 cherry tomatoes, halved
1/2 orange bell pepper, diced
6-8 kalamata olives
1/4 cup feta cheese
1 tbs olive oil
2 tbs red wine vinegar
sea salt and pepper to taste

What you'll do:
Assemble all vegetables and cheese onto a plate. Place warm chicken on top and drizzle oil and vinegar on top.

What are you cooking to stick with your plan?
More aboutTuesdays With Kris: Greek Chicken Salad

Motivation Monday - Guest Submission

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, July 24, 2011

Is Extreme Couponing Worth It?
by Jill Cooper

Jaime Writes:
"I recently saw a special on the TLC cable channel called "Extreme Couponing" where people use coupons to stockpile grocery items, which they get nearly for free. I would love to hear your thoughts about it."

I have seen that show. I have no problem with using coupons even though I sometimes sound like I don't like them. As a matter of fact I used to be an "extreme" couponer. I would go the to store armed with my coupons and would often get my groceries for free or for very very little money. I loved it. I would even get a "high" from it and be so excited. I could hardly wait until the next time I went to the store so I could do it again.

It wasn't until years later when I couldn't get coupons anymore and lived in a town where I couldn't use them that I realized the stress I had been under while I was using coupons and the effect it all had on me while I was doing it.

I don't have a problem with couponing but extreme couponing has me concerned.

Let me pause right here and say please don't e-mail me and say, "You don't know my situation. I don't have a problem with anything you mentioned and I coupon all the time." That's fine. There are exceptions to my rule and you might have circumstances in your life that make it easier for you to engage in extreme couponing so, if this describes you, I am not talking about you.

I am talking to the thousands who feel guilty, like they are failures in some way because they don't jump on the bandwagon and start clipping every coupon in sight. When riding on a bandwagon you can run into lots of potholes, which advocates of something don't always tell you about.

Most things, when done in the extreme, are not good. You have to have balance in life. What happens to a set of scales when you add way to much to one side? It can cause the scale to topple over, creating a chaotic mess.

Here are some things I found out about extreme couponing in my own life and from watching others:

Even when I was well organized, it still caused me a lot of stress when I went to the store. I had to keep track of so much -- Did I get the right size milk so I can get the free cereal? Was it the right brand? Was it sugar free or regular? Do I have the coupon for the milk? Was it the 14.5 oz. size and not the 15.4 oz. package?

Do they even have the item in stock? Many times, when an "extreme" deal comes on the scene, it is gone before you can get it. I'm sick and I don't have the energy to go back to the store several times to get a deal. Doing this with so many of the items I shopped for was stressful.

Then, when I got to the checkout, I had to watch every item like a hawk - Did I get the two cans of beans to get this bacon free? Did this item not have a coupon? Am I a coupon short? ...and on and on.

Half the time I had to convince the store clerk that, yes, this coupon can be used with that item. When you have 50 items you are doing all of this for, it gets tiring.

To add to the stress, there were always people in line behind me making it known that they weren't happy with the holdup I always caused.

These were just a couple of the little things that made extreme couponing stressful at the grocery store itself.

At home, before I left, I would spend ages clipping and sorting my coupons, putting them in order to make the shopping easier. Then, when I came home and found I had bought something without a coupon or had forgotten to give them a coupon, I would be so upset at myself.

I didn't realize until after I stopped doing extreme couponing how much it controlled me emotionally. It was like an addiction.

On the show you don't always get all of the real information. They don't add all of the expenses to give a true amount of the savings. For example:

I paid almost $100 a year for a newspaper subscription to get my coupons. (Yes, I know you can get the coupons free off of the Internet now but I am talking about adding up the expenses and the newspaper happened to be one of mine).

On one extreme couponing show, two people took a day off of work just to go shopping. If they make say $20 an hour that was $320 they lost from not working. If they saved $920 on groceries you have to subtract the $320 and that meant they only saved $600.

A lot of those people buy coupons off the Internet. If you do this, you should subtract that cost from your savings.

You should also add in the hours you spent organizing, clipping, searching for or printing the coupons. At different times, I have made $25 an hour on my business so if I spent 4 hours couponing instead it would cost me $100 from my business. You have to take that off of the amount saved or you're fooling yourself about the savings. Yes, I know a lot of people clip coupons in their spare time and if you truly have so much spare time that it's worth it then that's ok. In that case, it's like working another job.

It may sound exciting but, like so many things, it can get out of control.

One couple had enough deodorant for more than 100 years. I know some people give it away but it still took lots of time, energy and thought to deal with all of that deodorant. Then the people had to pay for shelving to store it (another expense), they had to insure it (more expense), sort it, stack it, put the newer things toward the back, etc. They went to all of that effort for deodorant they probably won't even use.

There is an old saying-- Beware of things that sound too good to be true. At the risk of sounding negative, there really are very few "free" things in life. There usually is a certain amount of work involved.

Lastly, I hate to have all of my eggs in one basket. I learned how to shop on clearance, how to shop at Aldi and how to stretch the food I did buy and not waste it. That way, if I couldn't use coupons, I had other means of saving.


Jill Cooper and Tawra Kellam are frugal living experts and the authors of the Dining On A Dime Cookbook. Dining On A Dime will help you save money on groceries and get out of debt by cooking quick and simple homemade meals. For free tips visit http://www.LivingOnADime.com
More aboutMotivation Monday - Guest Submission

R & R for Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Posted by Unknown

No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap.

Carrie Snow

R and R Tip #59: Relax and take a Sunday nap

If a good night's rest can make you mentally sharp, then a nap will make you brilliant. After a good nap, you're alert again. Your mind snaps into action and you can get more done in less time.

Caught in a quandary for what to do with a specific project or challenge? Benjamin Franklin, Einstein, DaVinci, Edgar Casey and Beethoven, reportedly discovered that a nap produces a brilliant solution. By going to sleep with the problem in mind, a quick nap will produce answers.

Give it a try! With your concern or challenge in mind, daydream. Once you are done daydreaming, relax and take a quick nap. As you float off to rest, consider your challenge and the solution you are seeking once again. A nap will allow your brain to appropriately process the information at hand and reference your mental library for answers. Upon awakening, a solution should be available to you.

Infamous, 20th Century nap enthusiasts include Bill Clinton, Lance Armstrong and Ronald Reagan. Each man used napping as a tool to improve work performance.

So, while you are looking for ways to improve your quality of life, try sleep. For a most efficient and effective result, sleep 6-10 hours every night and enjoy a 15-60 minute nap midday.

A day without a nap is like a cupcake without frosting. ....

Parents know the value of a good nap for babies and toddlers. Without it, kids are cranky and start to cry over the smallest thing. Young children also should take naps because they need more sleep to help their bodies grow. But naps aren’t just for kids — even adults can benefit from an afternoon snooze every now and then.
Studies have proven time and again that napping works wonders for brain as well as body. The challenge confronting us is both a time challenge and a value challenge. If we weren’t always pressed for time we could make the choice easier by basing our decision solely on our objectives. The values offered by the short nap are performance and alertness, while the values offered by the long nap are creativity, problem solving, learning, and memory

It's better to crash into a nap than to nap into a crash.

Author Unknown
It’s not unusual for us to postpone our pleasures and happiness, hoping for a better tomorrow. If you find yourself placing demands on your happiness, stop! Take a nap. You have a right to enjoy life, right here, right now! As you do, you’ll be amazed by the joy of daily life.

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


More aboutR & R for Sunday, July 24th, 2011


Posted by Unknown on Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'm getting a bit of a late start here, but have so much to do that I thought we'd GIT again.
The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!

Thursdays With Linda: Lazy Days of Summer

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, July 21, 2011


And the lazy days of summer continue…

We have been spending our evenings unwinding from work by watching How I Met Your Mother and Angel TV series and everything from Netflix in between…

I was wondering what movies were extra motivational, so I did a bit of research online and compiled the list below…


The Pursuit of Happyness

The Secret

Rocky Series

Facing the Giants

Pay it Forward


Akeelah and the Bee

The Astronaut Farmer

The ShawShank Redemption

A Beautiful Mind

Pass it On

Peaceful Warrior

Patch Adams


The Great Debaters

August Rush


The Blind Side

The Miracle Worker

The Karate Kid

Forrest Gump

The Legend of Beggar Vance


The Bucket List

It’s a Wonderful Life

Slumdog Millionaire


Whale Rider


The Family Man

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy


Saving Private Ryan

Star Wars Series

The Matrix

Minority Report

Dead Poet’s Society

Toy Story


City Slickers


Beautiful Girls

Grand Canyon

LA Story

The Incredibles

The Polar Express

About Schmidt

A River Runs Through It

Spider Man 2

Jerry Maguire

Good Will Hunting

Mr. Holland’s Opus

Field of Dreams


My Life Without Me

Many of the above movies I have seen and many I have not…

My go to movie when I need a bit of motivation is City Slickers… The meaning of life is one thing… The one thing that means the most to you… You have to find out what that is for yourself…

What is your go to movie when you are needing some inspiration or a bit of motivation…


Happy Lazy Days of Summer…


More aboutThursdays With Linda: Lazy Days of Summer

The List Makers Shall Inherit the Earth*

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A list is a most powerful thing. There is a sense of satisfaction, dare I say, accomplishment, based on the simple act of crossing off something on your "To-Do" List.

I have finished some longstanding and quasi-neglected things on my list, including deleting over 100 out of date documents and emptying the recycle bin on my computer, in addition to cleaning up my desk top icons.

I also updated the household budget (ugh, now I can see why I procrastinated on that little assignment), and did some filing.

I also installed my back up printer, since my other printer has an invisible paper jam I can't clear, and there is nobody who fixes printers anymore. It is apparently cheaper to buy a new printer than fix one!!!!

In order to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of some chores like cleaning my office, I listed smaller tasks like cleaning the closet, the drawers, and bookcase separately. This helps me stay focused and motivated, even if it's just one drawer or shelf, at least something got Done!!!

What lists have you been compiling lately and what have you accomplished?

How do you cope with feeling overwhelmed and make things more manageable?

Please let me know in the comments and Thank you So, So MUCH!

* Along with the meek, (this is according to my wise 83 y/o Dad who organizes a shopping list based on the layout of the store. Hey, he's a retired engineer who now does the household errands.)

Thank you all so much for your kind comments and insight from last Wednesday, I appreciate it, and you very much.
More aboutThe List Makers Shall Inherit the Earth*

Tuesdays with Kris: Salad Party!

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Now that summer is in full swing I find myself CRAVING vegetables. 
Wish I could say that about all the months in the year.

I came across these salads, which look PERFECT for summer on Delish.com

The Caesar with Shiitake Mushrooms looks like Heaven!


  • 8  tablespoon(s) olive oil
  • 1/2 pound(s) sourdough baguette, cut into 1-inch cubes (about 1 quart)
  • 3/4 teaspoon(s) salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon(s) fresh-ground black pepper
  • 4  clove(s) garlic, minced
  • 1  tablespoon(s) cooking oil
  • 3/4 pound(s) shiitake mushrooms, stems removed, caps sliced
  • 1/2 cup(s) chopped fresh parsley
  • 2   hard-cooked eggs
  • 3  tablespoon(s) wine vinegar
  • 2   small heads romaine lettuce (about 1 pound each), cut crosswise into 1/2-inch strips (about 5 quarts)
  • 1/4 cup(s) grated Parmesan

  1. In a large nonstick frying pan, heat 3 tablespoons of the olive oil over moderate heat. Add the cubed bread, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper and stir to coat the bread with the oil. Sauté the bread until crisp and lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in half the garlic. Transfer to a large salad bowl.
  2. In the same pan, heat the cooking oil over moderately high heat. Add the mushrooms, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, and the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt. Cook, stirring frequently, until the mushrooms are tender, 2 to 3 minutes. Add half the remaining garlic and the parsley and cook, stirring, for 1 minute longer. Add the mushrooms to the croutons.
  3. Put the eggs, vinegar, remaining garlic, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, and 5 tablespoons of olive oil in a blender or food processor and whir until smooth. Add the lettuce to the mushrooms and croutons, sprinkle with Parmesan, and then add the dressing. Toss to coat.
  4. Wine Recommendation: Because sparkling wines have surprisingly high acidity,a nonvintage brut Champagne will go well with this salad, matching the vinegar in the dressing and cutting the Parmesan's richness.
    What are your favorite summer salads?

    ps I am hosting a giveaway. One lucky winner will win 100 Postcards from UPrinting.com (you can upload your own designs too!) Click here for details!
More aboutTuesdays with Kris: Salad Party!

Motivation Monday: Motivational Guest - Clint Cora

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, July 17, 2011

Diversity, inclusion and equity are important topics in today's society. However, sometimes these are thought of as boring, politically correct areas important in companies and doesn't always grab public attention. Diversity to many people, especially from media, just doesn't seem to be a very sexy topic.

However, diversity can certainly become a sexy topic because certain skills developed in this area can make a person more attractive and sexy. This is a point I make in all my diversity talks and I prove this by involving the audience in a really fun way.

I tell the ladies in the audience that I will present profiles of two different men. Bachelor number one likes sports and drinks beer, ie., the 'Sports & Beer' guy. But he loves sports so much that if given the chance, he will ramble on and on with NFL or NBA statistics all night long during a date. He won't want to talk about anything else once he starts talking about sports.

The Sports & Beer guy is also a typical 'meat and potatoes' type of man, preferring to stick with very standard cuisine with a few bottles of beer of course (this is certainly a guy who doesn't read the recipes on The Motivation Station). This guy will not be willing to venture into any ethnic restaurant and doesn't know too much about other cultures. He hasn't traveled outside of North America much.

Bachelor number two also like sports and beer but unlike bachelor number one, he has traveled to many different places around the world. He has been exposed to many different foreign cultures, people, food, customs and languages. He might even be able to speak a foreign language. This man is definitely more 'worldly' than the first one.

Unlike the Sports & Beer guy, the Mr. Worldly enjoys experiencing ethnic cuisines and feels very comfortable in any ethnic restaurant. He does like a good steak every now and then but also likes to try out many other types of food from different cultures.

I then ask the women to choose which bachelor they think would be a more interesting date based on just these characteristics and not surprising, most ladies in my audiences always overwhelmingly vote in favor for Mr. Worldly.

This proves that if a man immerses himself with culture and develops the diversity skills to be able to interact well with people from different cultures, he will probably be considered more sexy than other men who are much more narrow in their cultural exposures. A diverse environment will allow a person to experience many different cultures if one is willing to.

This will work both ways as well since more cultured and sophisticated women can also appear sexier than those who are not adventurous enough to appreciate diversity in their lives. Let's face it, anybody who has experienced the world is always more interesting to talk to compared to somebody who hasn't ventured out of the home state or province. This proves that diversity is indeed sexy. On a more practical level, being effective in a diverse working environment is now considered beneficial to both your career and personal life.

Clint Cora is a motivational speaker, author and Karate World Champion. Get his free 3-part Personal Development Video Series to help you expand your comfort zone.

More aboutMotivation Monday: Motivational Guest - Clint Cora

R & R for Sunday, July 17th, 2011

Posted by Unknown

R and R Tip #58: Reset and Relax

Too many of us say that we’re in a rut, feel stuck, fed-up, or bored and admit that we don’t want things to be that way, but we don’t know what to do to change. That’s the problem, when you’re in a rut, you don’t have the energy or motivation to change things for the better, and it’s tough to find the insight or resources you need to make that jump.

Making the most of the season’s spectacular early sunrises and the sun and light-filled hours that follow may require some adjustment but it could be just what is needed to get out of that rut.

Get Some Fun, Fulfillment and Freedom The Three F’s – Fun, Fulfilment, and Freedom - encompass a lot of what people are looking for in life. By themselves each of the Three F's are a powerful thing, and can really help to move you forward, enjoy where you are, and feel alive. But when the Three F's come together . . .well, just hold on to your hat and keys.

The fact is that you’re important enough to spend time taking care of yourself and it doesn’t matter what it is, just take the time to do it. If necessary, go as far as booking time in your diary. You’re the only one of you there is, so it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re okay.

For some, a pleasant, scheduled early morning activity such as coffee and newspaper on the deck, a fun walk with a neighbor or dog, a few minutes of yoga or meditation, or tending to the garden can help celebrate the extra gifts of light and warm weather, providing great incentive to awaken earlier.

Making use of the early light-filled hours of summer can bring a whole new perspective to your days.

See you all next week!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!
More aboutR & R for Sunday, July 17th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Friday, July 15, 2011

The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!
More about

Thursdays with Linda: Lazy Days of Summer

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, July 14, 2011


Hubby's Hamburger Recipe...
3 pounds ground beef or ground turkey
1 1/2 tube of Ritz crackers
1/2 cup of BBQ sauce
1/4 cup of Worcestershire sauce
3 tablespoons soy sauce
garlic salt to taste
garlic powder to taste
pepper to taste


Mix all ingredients together by hand in large bowl

Form into desired size patties


Cook on grill to desired doneness with or without cheese


Enjoy with your favorite condiments


Happy Lazy Days of Summer…

More aboutThursdays with Linda: Lazy Days of Summer

Overloaded and Overwhelmed, but hey, the tomatoes are doing great!

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Overloaded, overwhelmed, and undermotivated pretty much sums up how I've been feeling lately.

I have felt overloaded with work, both at home and the office. I feel like I have been in triage mode, just keeping things stable, until I have more time. When that time will ever happen, is really anybody's guess.

The boys are on summer break, and I am amazed and appalled at how much they eat, and how much mess and dishes they create! Thank goodness I have disabused them of the notion that I am their short order cook. They have learned to feed themselves, but still have a ways to go on the clean up.

On that note, I have learned to become very specific with chore assignments, and use the "carrot and stick approach", (major props to Tamy for reminding me of this quite awhile ago). Their future spouses will thank me for teaching them how to clean the kitchen, declutter, and do laundry, oh, yes indeed. (School starts in about 5 weeks, but whose counting??)

The house has also been demanding attention and money. Two out of three toilets decided to give up the ghost a week ago, and it was no fun to only have one functional bathroom for the four of us for a few days. No fun at all. We are also saving up for bathroom and roof renovations which need to be taken care of soon. I see why people call it being a "Home Moaner".

It hasn't been all work and no play, even though a lot of our "play" has been focused on the community swim team on which our youngest son participates. I volunteer as a cook in the canteen during swim meets and the 4th of July celebration. (Breakfast burrito anyone?)

For the last several years on the holiday at the pool, I have had to respond to first aid emergencies, and this year was no exception. There is a horseshoe tournament as part of the holiday gathering, and one of our neighbors and his brother participated, while consuming many cans of beer without the benefit of any other hydration or food. This tournament lasts several hours, and it was 100 F and humid monsoon conditions. I was chatting with some friends when I saw this man collapse on the deck stairs. His brother, (a sheriffs deputy supposedly trained in first aid), and a few lifeguards went over to attend to him. Several minutes went by with him on the stairs sweating in the heat, so I also went to check on him, and he was pale with a thready pulse and slurred speech. He denied any medical conditions like heart disease and denied drinking!! I insisted that the guards and brother bring him into the air conditioned clubhouse which we did. I got ice packs and water and had him start hydrating as he was suffering from heat exhaustion. His brother finally revealed that YES, they had been drinking quite heavily. (Really? Gosh, that's just lame to lie to people trying to help you, next time I will just assume someone has been drinking, it's more efficient that way. I have lost my Emergency Room nurse mojo I suppose.) He perked right up after some fluids and cooling time. Never a dull moment on the pool deck...

Gardening provides a respite from this craziness. I realized that I like gardening because the plants don't talk back, and do what they are supposed to, when provided with the right light, food, and water.

I used red plastic strips, (cut from a plastic tablecloth), to stake the tomatoes as agricultural research has shown that exposing tomato plants to the color RED, promotes more plentiful and faster ripening fruit.

Here are the lovely results from my Sweet 100 cherry and rainbow heirloom tomato plants. I have harvested 48 cherry tomatoes so far from my Sweet 100 plant, I want to see if the plant lives up to its name of yielding 100 tomatoes. I plan to make a tomato tart today.

I hope you are doing well this summer and thank you so much for allowing me to vent and share in summer overload!
More aboutOverloaded and Overwhelmed, but hey, the tomatoes are doing great!

Tuesdays with Kris: Grill Time Part II

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I met you all pre-summer with some Grilling Tips and just wanted to share a recipe that follows the same ideas.

Simply Delish Grilled Chicken
4 large chicken breasts
2 lemons (need zest and juice of both)
6 garlic cloves (make a paste with a cheese grater)
1/4 cup minced fresh parsley
1/2 cup olive oil
lots and sea salt and pepper
1 large ziplock bag

Just toss the chicken in a large ziplock (double up if needed) and add all ingredients.
Make sure every surface is coated
Let sit in fridge for 1-2 hours.
Then get grilling!

I got so many compliments on the flavor of this grilled chicken.
The citrus is perfect for summer, and when you grate the garlic into paste it doesn't burn!
Sprinkle some chopped scallions on top for color and flavor.

You can even grill a few whole scallions.

What has been your winning grill recipe so far this summer?
More aboutTuesdays with Kris: Grill Time Part II

Motivation Monday - Renovations Revisited

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, July 10, 2011

Do you still remember my post just days after Christmas On our way to a new year and then there was my Happy New Year post where I shared the beginnings of our massive renovations. There were a few posts in between over at MM's Missions too: Renovations and at my Catch up time post last month at Menagerie as well. Go ahead back and take a peek at those posts to see the renovation process along the way, I'll wait here for you ;-)

More than 6 months later my first and largest goal for this year has been reached, the renovations at the house we now comically refer to as "the mansion" have been completed! As of this past weekend things are still a big mess but it's a different kind of mess now - putting together and arranging furniture, hanging window treatments, lighting, and beginning the decorating.

Getting the living room set up...

Dining room with chairs in the way...

Starting some decorating in the kitchen....

My lighting put-er together-er...

We are getting there! This has been one heck of a journey, but after all our blood, sweat, and tears I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Lots more to share in the coming weeks.

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!
More aboutMotivation Monday - Renovations Revisited

R & R for Sunday, July 10th, 2011

Posted by Unknown

Must be out-of-doors enough to get experience of wholesome reality, as a ballast to thought and sentiment. Health requires this relaxation, this aimless life.

Henry David Thoreau


To rediscover what really counts , start by simplifying your life. Quit doing things merely out of habit. Turn off the TV for a month or turn off the radio while commuting to work. See where your mind takes you.

Become comfortable with the idea of doing what you like. As you discover what you enjoy doing, you’ll find answers to what counts for you.

Recession proof relaxation starts with nature. Going for a hike, or a long walk through nature, is a great way to get outdoors and get away close to home

Going on a picnic is always great fun. Take a stroll in your local park and enjoy the performers and street vendor fare. People watching is always fun, too. Your entire family can get out and enjoy a beautiful sunshine filled day just at the local park. Most parks don't charge any admission and you'll find swings, slides and walking trails suitable for young and old alike.

Flowers are recession proof. Visit nearby arboretums and enjoy the blooms

Parties at home are fun especially when they are in your own backyard. A simple meal done on the grill and served on paper plates is always relaxing.

Vacation camping is one of the most fun, memorable and inexpensive trips you can take

Times are rough and we don't always have cash to to spend on FUN. These days it seems that more families are cutting back on entertainment and fun activities because of rising costs. One way to cut back on these expenses is to spend time at home with your family

Bird watching is another fun pastime that travels to you. Remember, cheap family fun doesn't have to be boring. As long as you have a fun and positive attitude with it, you can’t go wrong

Summer is great for playing outside in the sunshine, but sometimes we find ourselves stuck inside. Whether it’s a kabillion degrees and too hot outside, or the rare rain cloud has changed your plans, there is always a lot of cool activities you can do indoors to keep the summertime fun rolling

It is a crucial piece of a healthy life to have time to relax, refresh, and renew. In our culture of go go go, it is forgotten that relaxing is something you actively do, not something that passively happens to you in your spare time. Go to a concert, spend time with friends, read a book, exercise, or go dancing. There are so many ways to have fun.

Schedule time to relax; your productivity in your working hours will reflect it.

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

More aboutR & R for Sunday, July 10th, 2011