Functional Fitness and Flexibility

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Welcome to Wednesday at The Motivation Station, and this month, February, is focused on improving our Health and Fitness.

A huge part of being healthy and fit, no matter what your age, is Flexibility. For activities of daily living, it doesn't matter if you can bench press three times your body weight, if you don't have the ability to reach down and tie your shoelaces.

In addition to a cardiovascular workout that increases your heart rate, and strength training to build up and define your muscles, stretching is crucial in preventing injuries, and most importantly, insuring the functionality of the human body as we age. Maintaining flexibility helps prevent falls, and decreases the effects of arthritis and potential neuromuscular problems, like back and neck pain. Such an important part of any fitness regimen, and so often forgotten! My challenge to you this month is- Don't Cheat the Stretch! Take a moment before and after your walk or work out to gently stretch your muscles and open your joints in both opposing directions. Take several deep breaths to saturate your hard working body with oxygen, and be mindful of the gifts of health and fitness.

Stretching can be done anywhere, anytime, including at your desk. Some of my favorite stretches include clasping my hands behind my back and lifting my arms straight up towards my shoulders, while pointing my chin to the ceiling. This helps reduce the tension in the neck and shoulders. Opening up the neck also provides circulation to the thyroid gland, which helps metabolism.

Another delightful stretch that can also be done at your desk, or while standing, or sitting, or in bed, is to bend one leg and hug it with both arms as close to your chest as possible. Hold for several moments, then switch legs. This stretches the small muscles of the lower back and hip area.

The Mayo Clinic has a slide show of "Office Stretches" and please share any of your favorites. Also, in what area do you want to improve your flexibility?

Thank you so much, and it's Fun to be Flexible!

Doing a knee hang at Trapeze School in Santa Monica, CA for my 50th birthday.

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