R & R for Sunday, February 12th, 2012

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, February 12, 2012

R and R Tip # 88:  Love has a lot to do with it

A child asks her father a question about her homework.  But he is at the computer, working on a project for work.  And the television is on, shouting the world news.  And two other children are busy with a noisy fight.  Suddenly Dad realizes he can't concentrate! He has to pause. He has to tune out the other messages. And he has to focus his attention on the one who came to him for help. Sound familiar?

It is sometimes easy to forget the bigger picture. Our days are full of things to do, essential jobs to get done, deal with the unexpected and often trying to get several things done at the same time. It's not easy at times, it can often be tiring and sometimes what we do is not always appreciated. But when we think of the bigger picture there is often a good enough reason to keep us motivated. Love is often the reason why. When there is no love, it is simply a cold duty and just done simply for the sake of doing it

 All the little things we do are all intertwined and connected in some way. Because I became a mom of seven children there have been a lot of things I wouldn't have otherwise had to experienced in my life.  And because I knew the importance of my family, I learned early on that if I wasn't taking care of myself by getting enough rest, I surely wasn't going to be much good to them.

When we take the time to re-connect with ourselves, replace our fears with trust, and learn to let go of the things we cannot control, this is taking care.
When we listen to our intuition, embrace all of our imperfections, and stay authentic to who we are, this is taking care.
When we ground ourselves in the present, and make mental space to find clarity, this is taking care.
When we discover our interior barriers and find courage to dissolve them, this is taking care.
When we learn to be gentle with ourselves, this is truly taking care.
Pressures of work and family life can weigh on us and we need to be the best we can be.  Getting that rest so that we can stay focused on the important things in life is more important than I can ever begin to explain.

Let LOVE motivate you.  Love your life and love your work.  Love your family and friends most of all.  In the end they are truly a motivation in LOVE all by themselves.

Happy Valentines Day to you all!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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