Motivation Monday - Making Fitness Fun

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, February 26, 2012

There are lots of different ways to make fitness fun. If you have children or grandchildren go out and play! Throw the ball around, have races, ride bikes together, shoot some hoops, play Frisbee. If you like a sport of any kind, play it often. If you love nature, go on long walks. Hop, skip, jump, run! Do you have a pet? They love to run and play too you know!

(photo credit)

This week's Challenge is all about fun and games. Who doesn't like fun and games? Go ahead raise your hand. Just what I thought, we all like fun and games! :)

I came up with a few fun little things we can do when we are at home that will contribute to our quest for fitness. My boys think it's silly but are willing to go along with it for at least one week. Here's what we have so far...

1. Reach for the ceiling and hold it for 5 seconds every time we pass through a doorway.

2. Consider our desk chairs and the couch a hot seat - every time we are going to sit down we have to stand back up when our butt just barely grazes the chair (squats) 5 times.

3. Do 10 wall push ups before opening the fridge or freezer.  

4. Do tooth brushing calf raises - up on your toes, hold for 5 seconds and then back down, do these 25 times while brushing teeth.

5. Do 25 jumping jacks before using any electrical appliance in the kitchen.

These are just fun little ways to sneak in a little extra. Our rule here this week is anyone caught doing any of the things mentioned without the attached exercise has to do double!

Can you think of more? Have fun with this challenge, and let the games begin!

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