Thursdays With Linda

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, February 9, 2012


I’m so ready for the Health and Fitness Challenge! Are you in….

doctor clip art

I took care of all my doctor appointments in the month of January… actually I have been to the doctor every week for the last six weeks… including an appointment this week and next week… taking care of annual appointments and the pinched nerve/bone spur in my neck plus the hacking cough that has finally gone away after six weeks…


This is me on my 45th birthday in June of 2009…

Here I am in October 2010, 33 pounds lighter… Smile


Here I am this past Christmas 2011, 14 pounds heavier… Sad smile


I know some say not to weigh yourself more than once a week but I find it is very helpful to keep on track and be a reminder of the goal at hand when I get on the scale everyday…

Portion Distortion 1

I so need to get back to portion controls… I know that was the key factor in my losing the weight… Being in the right set of mind is the only way to lose weight… You can’t just say you are going to do it… I find I at first have to fight with myself as I tend to rebel which is what I have been doing by eating anything and everything when I KNOW what the correct way to eat is…. I read recently that when you are choosing food to make a fist and that action will cause you not to be able to pick the food… I remember when I was losing the weight I would sit back from the table after eating and cross my arms to resist filling my plate again… which is the same as making a fist, so I was doing the correct action without even realizing it… although when I was writing this entry I ate popcorn and drank a root beer, so I’m still working on my mindset… which is also hard when under a lot of stress from work, family, chores, bills, etc; which seems to be going around a lot this past year for everyone… Take time to walk away and do something just for you to get away from the stress factor and the kitchen…


Hubby and I have been walking every day for the past couple of weeks and I still wear my pedometer every day getting in from 6000 to 14000 steps…


I miss the skinny feeling I had before… and the energy and good feeling I had… I don’t like having succeeded in losing 33lbs, just to gain almost half of it back… I want to get back to the size 10 pants I had bought when I lost the weight… I want to do it for me…


Happy February…



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