Charley & Abigail sunbathing, best buddies.
Happy Valentine's Day, and I hope today finds you with a light and happy heart, spirit too.
Our focus this month is Health and Fitness, and one way you can improve your immune system, blood pressure, and stress levels, is to perform a Random Act of Kindness. So, in addition to taking yourself for a walk, doing your stretching exercises, and making better diet choices, I challenge you to do something nice for someone else. Whether it's holding open a door for a stranger*, picking up trash, or bringing a snack to a hard working costume designer, the rewards are many. No good deed is forgotten, and hopefully, does remain unpunished.**
*With the certain exception of an elderly gentleman for whom I held open the door at our local shopping mall. He barked at me, literally barked at me, "Why did you do that for?" "Trying to be nice." I replied.
And I will keep trying in ways, big and small, cranky old men aside.
** "No good deed goes unpunished." What did Mother Teresa say? Do good anyway.
(See, not only Mother Teresa and Superman can do "good", we can too.)
Thank you so much, and I look forward to learning of your plans and reactions to this Challenge to share kindness, and a smile too.
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