Motivation Monday - Health and Fitness Challenge

Posted by Unknown on Monday, February 13, 2012

Last week I posted a series of 10 things I was going to do to get ready to go all out in health and fitness area and I suggested you to do the same. This week I have copied each step and added my own answers below each step. It's not to late to join in the fun! 

1. Have a regular check up if you haven't done so recently. Not only to get the ok from your doc to start a fitness program, but also to find out what your cholesterol levels are, blood pressure, weight, and to address any other problems you are having that might get in the way of starting a new program.

My cholesterol was is normal range. I asked but can't remember the numbers. I need to call and have them send me a copy so I can compare it "after."  My blood pressure was 120 over 80 which is normal range but a little higher than my usual. Weight 130, 12 pounds higher than my visit last year, but still in normal range. I'm all clear to work my butt off!

2. Go to to calculate your body mass index (BMI), your waist-to-height ratio, your body fat levels, and your basal metabolic rate. I like the calculator at Homefuse because it takes your waist measurement and age into consideration for a much more accurate calculation.

I went to the website to do the calculations. My BMI or Body-Mass Index is 21.7 which is great. My Waist-to-Height Ratio is in the increased risk range at 49.2 (guess we all know now that I carry all my weight right in the middle). My Body Fat came in at 34.9 yikes! My Basal Metabolic Rate is 1296.

3. Take a before photo if you really want to give yourself some serious motivation. It will give you a major wake up call, I promise!

Photo taken, definitely not sharing!!

4. Get a pedometer if you don't already have one, very inexpensive ones can be purchased at any drug store. Wear it a few days over the next week or two to gauge your average steps per day. A steps per day challenge using a pedometer is in the near future, be ready!

Have mine and ready when the challenge begins :)

5. Be sure to get yourself a decent pair of sneakers if you don't already have some. They don't have to be expensive, just not worn out and with good support.

I didn't make it out shopping last week but it's on the list for this week. My sneakers definitely need to be replaced, they are super worn.

6. Take a pledge to be more mindful of what you eat - strive for good healthy meals, eating smaller portions more often in place of big meals, focus on getting in the good stuff such as the recommended daily intake of veggies especially, and reducing the amounts of processed foods.

I took the pledge and have done very well with eating this past week. I almost forgot how good health food tastes. I've really been loving eating healthier foods again!

7. Start increasing activity levels. I won't give any specific challenges for this yet, but you know they will be coming soon!

I've started walking again. I've mapped out a one mile walk to take with the dog, a two mile and a five mile to walk focused and briskly without the dog, also started biking again, usually 20 minutes at a moderate pace at a shot.

8. Go to My Fitness Pal to create a free account. At My Fitness Pal we can set goals and track our daily foods and exercise. It really seems to be a great site with tons of support and motivation.

This is a great tracking website! I'm not big on counting calories but at this site you track foods, exercise, and water consumption. At the end of the day when you hit save for the day it tells what you would weigh 5 weeks from that day if you ate and exercised the same everyday as you did for that day. It's pretty neat and although I can't see myself using it all the time I think it could be a really great tool. Try it! It also has a friends option there. Let me know if you sign up so we can be fitness friends :)

9. Take some time to seriously think about your own person health and fitness goals - be realistic.

My goals are to lose 12-14 pounds and get my muscle tone back. I plan to accomplish this in 8-10 weeks. I know it's realistic because I've done it many times. It's a lot of hard work, but I'm a big leaper, not a baby stepper.

10. Go one step further and decided why you want to focus on health and fitness - is it so you can fit into your skinny clothes, to set a good example for your family, to live a longer more healthy lifestyle?

Yep, those are all my reasons - along with desperately just wanting to feel comfortable in my own skin again, even if that's the only thing I'm wearing ;)

So there you have it. If you have started (or finished) working your way through the list during our pre-training time leave your answers in the comment section or leave a link if you've posted about it on your own blog.

Taking the first step is the hardest part. Now that's I've taken those steps I'm really excited about setting up my plan to go all out!

I will keep thinking, planning, and getting into my routines this week. I'll be back next Monday with my plan followed by weekly challenges every Monday. Will you be ready?

Together we can do it!

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