Frugal Fridays With Jen- Couponing For Charity

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, June 2, 2011

The mister and I support a couple different charities each month, and we are able to do so because we are both working. After I had our son, I stayed home for almost 8 months, and things were too tight, meaning it just wasn't in the budget for a monthly donation. I wasn't in great physical health at the time, and volunteering regularly was also out of the question.

One thing I could do, however, was use my time and bargain hunting abilities to keep the local shelter stocked with hygiene items. Pictured above is a great find from Walmart from one of the first months I started couponing: 10 body washes plus 10 coupons = free (though follow the rule I did - try and split between two different trips or stores- clearing the shelves is rude!). All have gone on to find a good home at the local shelter for women and children by now.

I spend about 3 hours per week cruising deal blogs, making a list, and checking it twice, and it is three hours I enjoy very much. If you enjoy the thrill of the deal hunt, this is a great way to give back. There is always free toothpaste to be had pretty much every week- why not pick one up for a local charity?

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