Tuesdays with Kris: Run, Forrest, Run!

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This past weekend I achieved a personal best when I jogged for a solid HOUR!
I have never done that before in my life, but something sparked in me and I just went for it.


Since I had never done that before, I always thought it to be impossible. Until now obviously.
Which then led me to the task of writing down things that I believe/d to be impossible... so now I know what I have to do to prove my self wrong! In a good way.

Here is my Me-possible list.

1. Do a hand stand in yoga.
2. Run a 5k.
3. Run a marathon.
4. Participate in a triatholon.
5. Take a surfing lesson.

That's all I can think of right now. Please chime in with your Me-possibles!

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