Motivation Monday - Taking My Life Back!

Posted by Unknown on Monday, June 6, 2011

The past year has been a very difficult one for me. It's been filled with tragic events, difficulties, losses, struggles, stress, and sadness. Most have been things I haven't addressed here as it would have been an invasion of other people's privacy, but still all things that have deeply affected me.

I spent some time in deep thought yesterday. I knew I had to release the burden of all the emotional weight I've been carrying around. As difficult as it is, if it doesn't directly affect me or my family I have made the decision to let it go and stop letting it affect me, especially when it's all situations I have no control of whatsoever.

Next, I had to take a look at where I am in my personal life - still totally overwhelming but not so much in an emotional sense, that alone is a huge relief. Most things are related to my physical surroundings. Both houses are still a total mess, too many different unfinished renovation projects, boxes and construction stuff piled everywhere I look. I can't find anything when I need it, I'm tired of living in a huge mess and out of boxes. To top it all off we're at a standstill with finishing things up until some issues with the probate for the other house is resolved. There's still plenty I could be working on that will need to be done either way. I need to stop procrastinating, stop whining about the stress and the mess, and get busy again!

Last on the list, but the highest priority - I'm back to serious workouts. Kim from Recipes To Run On has been such an inspiration to get me up and moving again, and then my son reminded me over this past weekend of a very important lesson I've taught him through the years - Everything in life improves with workouts!

I know it sounds way too simple but it's so true. We're not just talking about dabbling with the occasional exercise, taking baby steps, doing those little things like walking dogs, parking at the end of the parking lot, or playing around with sissy 2 pound weights. Those things all help but I'm talking all out intense workouts, pushing ourselves to the limits, Rocky Balboa kind of workout intensity (can you hear the background music playing? ;-)

Seriously, when we are focused and dedicated to an intense workout routine everything changes - our mental alertness is raised, our emotional state brightens, we sleep better, our blood pressure stabilizes, we are stronger and have more energy which in turns allows us to get a lot more done in a lot less time. We are less likely to get lazy and less willing to procrastinate in other areas. We develop higher endurance, better balance, and automatically focus on healthier eating, overall healthy habits, and we look a hell of a lot better too! The greatest part is it only takes a few good intense workouts to start feeling the benefits, and the longer we stick with it full force the greater those benefits will be.

Those are the three big steps I'm using to take my life back. Just taking that little bit of time to think things through, come to terms with and accepting the things I can't change, acknowledge what I can do that will make a positive difference in my current situation, setting my goals, and making a new beginning has already made a huge difference in my frame of mind.

We all have to deal with problems, loss, and setbacks in our lives. We all have the same 24 hours each day - it's how we look at life, how we deal with things, and how we make use of the time we have that makes the difference. 

Things to consider:

When is the last time you've done a mental and emotional house cleaning, really taken time to sit down to contemplate your life?

Are you capable of wiping the slate clean and starting over from exactly the point you are at right now?

Have you ever worked out with so much intensity and dedication for a period of time that you can really relate to my statement "Everything in life improves with workouts?"

What changes do you need to make in your life to find happiness and contentment? 

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!

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