R & R for Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, June 5, 2011

R and R Tip # 52: Remember, your attitude is your foundation. When you’re content within yourself, fulfillment follows.

Too often, we attach our happiness to the choices of others. When we put demands like this on our relationships, we give our power away. This is self-defeating.

One sure way to find out if you are getting enough R and R, rest, relaxation, refreshment, renewal, and restoration in your life is take a look at how fulfilled, contented and happy you are.

If you don't have enough of these R's in your life things will never be the best they can be. It seems that those who think about the future tend to do better than those who think only in the present. Yet those who think only in the present
still do much better than those who think only in the past.

I am definitely one gal who lives in the present moment. That means that the present moment is what counts for me. If what I am experiencing in that moment is not a good thing then I look to the BRIGHT SIDE and improve the situation as best I can.

We are wired to work hard and then to recuperate from our exertions. Just watch a young child to observe this natural cycle so essential to life balance. They run around like crazy and then conk out. While taking a nap may not be practical for you, there are ways to relax that take only a few moments. You will return to work refreshed, with renewed ability to accomplish what you need to do.

Given that stress and unhappiness can have a negative impact on your health, it stands to reason that happiness resulting from an optimistic attitude stands you in good stead.

Our attitudes are everything! If we are tired out, weary and find that we cannot find a BRIGHT SIDE to much of anything, then it is time to STOP and rest. Relaxation improves more stressful moments than anything else can.

You deserve to be happy and satisfied, so don't spoil things for yourself. Smile, relax and give thanks for your day

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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