R & R for Sunday, June 26th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, June 26, 2011

Of all the days that's in the week
I dearly love but one day
And that's the day that comes betwixt
A Saturday and Monday.

Henry Carey


Rest has a bad reputation today. For many, the word REST smacks of laziness and sloth. We live in an always on society, where people brag of their ability to multitask

It wasn't always that way. Sunday used to be a day of rest for most people. I grew up in a time when stores were closed and you planned ahead so you'd have things done before Sunday. We didn't stay in bed all day. It was a day for being with family, for worship and for recreation. I like to call it re-creation. It was a time for all the things that could get neglected during the regular work week. The principal goal of the day was rest.

Sunday is a frame of mind. Your day of R and R may not come on an actual Sunday, but you can still celebrate the day with Sunday ways of long ago. Taking time for rest, relaxation, time with family, worship and recreation is one way to help yourself in having a good rest of the week.

Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.

Joseph Addison

The rest of the week is the other 6 days that you are committed to work. Chores have to be done. Meetings have to be attended. Sunday however is a break away from all the duties and we have a chance to get refreshed and renewed.

Sleep in, get up late, drink lots of that good coffee...enjoy the newspaper. It's a good opportunity too to review the past week and plan activities for the coming week.

Sunday is by far my favourite day of the week for its simplicity and mellow feeling.

The more your life is packed with deadlines and stress, the more you’ll benefit from taking time out to just be in the moment.

When life gets in the way... Remember it's Sunday!

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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