R & R for Sunday, June 12th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, June 12, 2011

One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.
One can collet only a few,
and they are more beautiful if they are few
Gradually one discards and keeps just the perfect specimen
One sets it apart by itself, ringed around by space--
Like the island.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

R and R Tip #53: Rest and Relax on Island Time

I have just reread Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. I love the beach and after rereading this book, I am reminded why. The sea, the shells, the tide, the sand all remind me of what is important in life. I was reminded too how important simplicity is.

On vacation there, living a deliberately simplified life, she discovers the sea has gifts to give all who find their daily lives too busy. To read her writing is to learn more about ones' inner life and how that life may be enriched.

Island time is a much slower way of life. There. we rarely have anything that needs to be done in a hurry. We can bask in the sunshine, watch the waves ebb and flow and take the time to think.

We all need this kind of Island Time in our lives when our mind is reeling with the demands of family and home. It is necessary for us to properly function. Here on the island, there is time to be quiet or to work without pressure.

Where is my island? Right here in my mind. My memory is full of warm days and sandy beaches. I don't get to go to beach very often at all but I need to remember the lessons that are found there and to make sure that my values of what is important in my life reflect that calm, peaceful lifestyle.

Maybe some day I can stand before the sea again while the water reaches out and tickles my feet. Meanwhile I'll remember all the important lessons learned.

We live in a culture where rest is often viewed in a negative light. When we work, we work hard. When we play, we play hard. We know how to fill our time with e-mail, activities, carpool, cleaning, aerobics, and our list of tasks. But do we know how to rest?

Remember the last bad day you had? Chances are you ended up in a grumpy mood and feeling fed up. Even though the sun may have been shining or people all around you were happy and laughing – you were miserable, which meant the day was bad no matter how you looked at it.

Unfortunately, this same thinking can color life itself. If you’re facing hardship, you may feel life holds no hope. If you’re tired and frustrated, you may decide the world is an unfriendly place.

Resolve to change this thinking pattern, now!

If you’re depressed, think of the excitement that life offers. The exhilaration of the sea breeze will refresh you. If you feel stressed look for opportunities with optimism in your heart.

If you happen to see a slightly plump, short, gray haired lady with a SMILE on her face today it may be me...I'll be on the BEACH.

Do something today, just for the JOY of it. When you experience joy, others around you feel it too!

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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