Motivation Monday - Find Yourself

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, June 26, 2011

                                                                           Source: via Martha on Pinterest

Have you heard of pinning yet?

Pinterest is a virtual pin board! You create your own pin boards and then sift through the incoming pins and add your favorites to your own boards - or you pin anything you find that you love from blogs or anywhere on the Internet!

I had seen this on several blogs lately but didn't sign up until this weekend. I finally worked my last 10 hour day on Thursday and decided to just take a weekend of total rest and relaxation. Once I got into relaxation mode I got started with Pinterest  - I have to say I really, really love it!

I will say that it can definitely be addicting and yet another way to procrastinate and waste time on the computer - but at the same time, it's a great way to find out who you really are! Seriously, after looking at the pin boards I've created I actually said to myself  "So that's who I am!" It was so liberating!

I guess the cool thing is that's it's a place to put together own own wants, likes, needs, styles, and loves all in one place without considering others opinions. Of course we can create special boards for things for our loved ones too if we want to.

Pinterest has also been really helpful for my upcoming redecorating. I have so many different likes and styles that I didn't know which direction to go - and I have two homes to finish renovating and decorating. My thoughts on things were all just mashing together. Pinterest really helped me to separate and organize the chaos.

Stop by my boards using the button below and then just click on each board to see details...

Follow Me on Pinterest

Hope you'll try it too!

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