I'm Chiming, are you chime.in?

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I am a non-tweeting social media misfit with bloggy burnout, who is overwhelmed with facebook between all its games, ads, and "stuff". I don't have time to learn Google+ or pine over pinterest, and my cup runneth over with my real life and online work life, to have had much interest in these endeavors.

Truth be told, except for the wonderful compadres of The Motivation Station, the online world has lost much of its luster to me. I don't know if the novelty has worn off, or if it became too much responsibility requiring too much time and energy. Plus, I felt a little "pimped out" by google with their ownership of blog content and its ad space. It is the bargain we make when we agree to have them host our blogs.

Last week, I read about a new shared interest social media site called Chime.In, which became available to the public in beta form. I found Chime.In to be intuitive and easy to use, and it has filters for not only which posts or topics "populate" your incoming chime stream, but also allows you to filter your "chimes" or outgoing posts to all or specific followers. The site seems to have the best features of facebook, twitter, and blogs too, with photo, video, and site links. Chime.In is also intriguing, because unlike Google or Facebook who keep the huge majority of ad revenue, the Chime.in business model provides 50% of revenue to "Chimers" for ads placed by the company on your site, to 100% of the revenue from ads you place yourself. The CEO said that in order to be relevant by providing interest driven and quality content, that the writer should be appropriately rewarded. Right On! Or more appropriately, Write On!

Please check out Chime.in or I can send you an invitation. Please look for me if you do visit, my Chime.in user name is msakelly. Thank you so much.

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