Show & Tell - Halloween Haunts in Ye Olde Orchard

Posted by Unknown on Friday, October 28, 2011

I think my neighborhood is inhabited by a bunch of secret set designers. This 18 foot goblin is case in point.

Here's the entrance to our humble haunting, decorated by the teens.

Wolfman hiding from Dracula. Or waiting for his prey, you decide.

This is the home of Mr.October 31st himself. The spider on the chimney creeps me out the most. And I'm not even afraid of spiders, but when they reach automobile size, all bets are off.

Happy All Hallows Eve to you and yours. Are there any extreme decorators* in your neck of the woods? Or neck of the victim? Ha, ha, ha, ha!!! (Insert cheesy ghoulish laugh here). Thank you so much.

Linda of Finding Footsteps and her family are Extreme Decorators Extraordinaire!

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