Question of the Week

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, October 6, 2011




What kind and how many pets do you have… Any tips on how to care for or clean up after you pets… How about any funny pet stories…


At just seven months old, my two mooses, Indy and Maple… Indy has a paper and twisty tie fetish… and Maple loves ice cubes…


Son1’s dog, Danny who has been living with us for over two years now… Danny likes to sleep all day and hide behind the couch from the cats unless the fridge opens and then he hopes for a treat…


Son2’s Three Crabs who never want to pose for pictures…




And Miss Holly… who loves to sit under the bird feeders and bird watch…

Leave your answer in the comment section or write up your answer in your blog and link up to Show and Tell in the sidebar… We would love to see pictures of your pets…

Happy Pets…

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