R and R for Sunday, October 9th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, October 9, 2011

Please, someone grant me the serenity to recognize the things I cannot control, the strength to limit myself to controlling the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

R and R Tip # 70:  Don't let anyone or anything control you.

When you live inside an out-of-control schedule, it's like trying to cram three days of work into one.  The personal toll is high. Undoubtedly, your stress levels become high and you feel overwhelmed.

The truth is you’ll accomplish more if you set a reasonable pace; one that you can maintain for the long run. We need to put a stop to the part of our life that is spinning out of control by any means necessary.   It does not matter how much time it takes.  Self improvement is a life long journey, not a destination or a happily ever after. Work each hard to conquer it and then move on.

Don’t let anyone or anything control you, especially your own negative thoughts.  That is how your life got out of control in the first place. And don’t forget to schedule time to relax and refresh your body, soul, and spirit. Dinner with friends, a long walk or even a relaxing bubble bath will do wonders in letting go and grounding yourself.  Taking even a bit of control in our lives can help us stay sane in crazy times

Love the life you live.  Choose to live the life you want. When you don’t choose, circumstances choose for you and you are never leading: you are following or catching up or worse, living in default mode

Be protective with your quiet time.  It is your space to do nothing, so give yourself permission to do so every day.  Even if it starts as a to-do, turn it into a must! 

When things are out of control give yourself permission to take the day off. Permission to take a nap, go to sleep early. Permission to get a massage. Permission to do nothing. Permission to succeed. Life is about being here now, in all your full range of emotions, mood swings, wins and losses. Give yourself permission to take control today.  A  person who knows their own value, does not have to prove it.

Take control...rest and relax!

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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