R & R for Sunday, October 22nd, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, October 2, 2011

A man can stand a lot as long as he can stand himself. 

Axel Munthe

R and R tip # 69:  Relax and slow down and stay present in order to fully take in and enjoy the beauty of the world and the people around you.

Stop inhaling your food. Take the time to really chew, feel, and savor the food that you eat. Take a 
little longer on your meal. Get the full satisfaction out of it.

Slow down your conversation. I’ve noticed that many people have conversations that involve two people talking, and no one listening. Slow down the talk, and pay extra attention to what is being said to you. Listen, think about what they said, and formulate a question to inquire more about their situation. You’ll realize that conversations will be much more enjoyable.

Take the time to think. Slow down and enjoy life by taking the time to understand yourself. Are you happy with who you are as a person?  I realize that you might be thinking, ok, who has time to eat, talk, and think, I got stuff to do! I realize that your stuff could even be very important. You just have to consider if your stuff, and everything that you are committed to is worth sacrificing your happiness. 
Hopefully your own happiness hasn’t been pushed too far down your to-do list!
When you take things slower you will always find more to enjoy. I've found that if you schedule your life in such a way as to make time for the slow times, you'll never find a reason to be rushed.  
Think about it.  The reasons we often rush so much is because we haven't planned out what we need to do or have gotten off track doing something else. It's SUNDAY a good time to slow down and relax.  Get some rest, feel refreshed and make sure that YOU stay at the top of your to-do list.
If you aren't good to yourself, you can't be as good for others as you'd like to be. We all want to do so much for our families, friends, for our jobs and for our homes.
There is always time for everything when you SLOW down.
See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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