Taming the Paper Tiger

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Happy Wednesday and thank you for your visit.

MarthaM's Minimalist challenge has motivated me to deal with some much procrastinated items, including cleaning and sorting three file boxes worth of "stuff" in my home office.

I have finished sorting all three boxes and need to finish some filing and shredding. It's amazing how much paperwork is generated, even when I do so much online and allegedly "paperless".

Sorting can be a real mental chore, and I never spend anymore than 3 seconds making a decision about the paper I am holding.

I don't stress about setting up categories, a natural organization always seems to present itself whether I'm cleaning up paperwork or closets.

I had piles for shredding, recycling, prompt action required, and I also separated the various categories of Medical, bills, financial documents, maps, and personal memorabilia.

During this somewhat ardous task, a few treasures were found - gift cards, stamps, and photos.

I am really appreciative of MarthaM for the virtual kick in the booty with this challenge and her inspiring example. The feeling of accomplishment and progress helps me want to finish, and also, continue to do small things daily to "get ahead of the curve".

Thank you so much, and what tips or routines do you use to tame the Paper Tiger??

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