Small Acorns, Mighty Oaks

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ancient tree on the Carmel-Monterey Coast of California.

When I am feeling less than "motivated", I have to remind myself that small, consistent changes have meaningful results. I work to turn off the soundtrack in my head that is discouraging and negative, "Holy Cow, look at this mess, I'll never finish", and replace it with something positive, "Let me see how much I can get done in fifteen minutes."

It never ceases to amaze and humble me, how we are truly our own worst enemies on so many fronts, and that we need to acknowledge, accept, and own "it", if we truly want to, and are ready to change. Berating and beating yourself up over stuff you are not ready to deal with, is just a waste of energy and very self defeating.

So, with that little pep talk in mind, I've been able to accomplish much that has been on my regularly procastinated upon "to do list". Including, but not limited to-

Clean out of bathroom drawers for old makeup, and medicine cabinet for expired medications, including plans for drop off to a pharmacy for proper disposal.

Brought over a bag of clothes to the junior high school Drama club.

Donated two big bags for Show Choir rummage sale.

Reducing my pantry and freezer stashes by planning meals around items at hand.

I also went through our canned goods and non perishables for donations to the local food pantry.

I am saving money by not buying things we don't "need". I am using up the "purchased on sale" and freebie stash of shampoo, shower gel, etc.

The local trash company offers a 20% discount from your bill if you switch from a 96 gallon trash can to a 35 gallon size for weekly pickup. We still have unlimited recycling and yard and lawn clippings pick up, in addition to three big trash bags, up to 8 times a year, if needed. We rarely fill our blue barrel above halfway, and we recycle and compost over 75% of our household trash.

The family calendar have been brought up to date, at least for now. I've scheduled our routine medical and dental check ups, and did some financial paperwork too.

The cars have also had their "routine maintenance", especially important now that our oldest is driving.

In September, I completed a month long fitness challenge, and in a couple weeks, I will be participating in a two hour "Party in Pink" Zumbathon to raise money for Breast Cancer research. I have also been walking daily and going to the gym three times a week regularly.

When I list all my accomplishments, I realize how these small things really add up. Thank you so much for letting me share and also, what little acorns have you planted lately?

Thank you again and Happy Wednesday.

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