Motivation Monday - The Meaning of Minimalism

Posted by Unknown on Monday, October 10, 2011

Minimalism means many different things to different people. There have been minimalist challenges like the 100 possessions, there have been simplicity movements which could also fit into that category. I guess the main thing is that most of us are all tired of the more, more, more of American consumerism.

I think we all just want to slow down, have more time to relax and do the things we love. Minimizing is one way to help do that. It doesn't matter if we are taking about decluttering and minimizing our possessions, downsizing our homes, or minimizing what we purchase - or all of the above.

Less is definitely more. It's more time, more freedom, and very possibly more money in our pockets.

For me minimalism doesn't mean I want to live with no furniture other than a mattress on the floor. It doesn't mean owning only one plate and one set of utensils for each person in the family, or only owning enough clothes that will fit in a backpack. That's all a little too extreme for me, but I do like clean uncluttered spaces that are very simply decorated with the things I really love and use.

I did a post at my blog MM's Missions this past weekend showing my current living room, dining room, and entry. I'd love to know if you would consider these areas minimalist or not, and if not, why?

Minimalism is defined as "Design or style in which the simplest and fewest elements are used to create the maximum effect."

What does minimalism mean to you?

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