Frugal Fridays With Jen- Valentine's Day Ideas

Posted by Unknown on Friday, February 11, 2011

Sorry for the late post!

Plans for Valentine's Day? We don't go too all-out- just a nice meal and no gifts. If your budget is small this year, try using a few of these tips.

Save up to 80% by buying your restaurant gift certificate on Use a coupon from an Entertainment Book. Or, try cooking your own meal at home. There are millions of free recipes on the internet. try some from the Food Network, or a food blogger. Some of my favorite sites are For The Love of Cooking, My Own Sweet Thyme, and Lynn's Kitchen Adventures. Don't forget our sister site Welcome To Our Krazy Kitchen!

Need some entertainment? Try this code for a free Redbox rental.

Need a gift? There are plenty of gifts that require only an expenditure of time, and not money. As the mother of a small child, I would love an afternoon with an empty house and time to myself more than anything. Or a night when someone else cooks dinner. Or an unsolicited offer to pick up all my son's toys, vacuum, and wash the dishes while I get to soak in the tub. For my husband, I let him off the hook to play mindless computer games all evening, or take my son to my mother's so he can have the house to himself. The best gift of all- we still stay on track to pay off the mortgage early- something we both love.

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