Motivation Monday - Serious Spring Commitments

Posted by Unknown on Monday, February 28, 2011

It's hard to believe today is the last day of February already! I've been seeing signs of spring popping up in posts here at TMS as well as the signs in my own backyard...

I think of spring in terms of flowers, sunshine, birds singing, and walks along the beach - but the very first thing that comes to mind for me when I think of spring is working out and getting back in shape.

I've completely let workouts along with eating healthy go right out the window over the last 5-6 months with so much going on in my life, and really haven't gone all out on workouts for probably a year. I can really feel a big difference, not only in how my clothes fit but also in my energy levels, my endurance, and my resistance levels - I've been sick constantly lately. As spring arrives I want to get back to some good healthy habits.

When I think of spring I also think of Lent since that always falls during the beginning of spring. Some of you may remember from previous years that even though I'm not Catholic I do participate in the tradition of giving up something for Lent. It's something my father always did and I joined him during all the years he was still with me - now I continue the tradition in his honor and memory as well as my mother's this year.

The one thing I've always given up no matter what is alcohol. Sometimes I also give up other things like fried food, sweets, red meat, all meat, etc. or sometimes I go for giving all of it up and use those 46 days as a total cleansing time. Along with what I commit to giving up I also usually commit to doing something healthy too - sometimes weight training, sometimes a daily walk, or something else health or fitness related. During Lent my commitments are taken very seriously, once I commit there is no turning back.

I'm sure you are all familiar with Fat Tuesday too - the last day to eat, drink and be merry before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Well, one day is not enough. As of today it's the 10 day count down - 10 days to go all out while deciding what my commitments will be this year.

Would you like to join me and make some Serious Spring Commitments? How about if I challenge you to do it with me this year? What do you say, are you in?

If so, take the next 10 days to indulge while thinking about at least one thing you can give up (make it the one you know you really need the most) and one healthy habit you can add. We will begin on Wednesday, March 9, with the final day on Saturday, April 23. Once again, you do not have to be Catholic to do this (I'm not), you don't have to connect it with anything religious if you don't want to, that's up to you. I do think when you make the commitment to God, or in honor or memory of a loved one it's a little more serious than just saying we'll do something and then finding excuses, procrastinating, and not following through.

Think about it and we'll meet back here next Monday to see who will be playing along and what our commitments will be.

Here's to a Motivated Monday!

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