Motivation Monday - Happy Valentine's Day!

Posted by Unknown on Monday, February 14, 2011

Photo credit - Google Images

The only thing I want to motivate you to do today is to focus on love. Not the commercialized, frilly heart kind of stuff, but the everyday things.

Sure most of us still have to work today but let's try to focus on the things we love about it - come on, you can find at least one thing can't you?

Do you have to clean the house, go grocery shopping, run errands today? No problem. Even those tasks are ways you are loving your home and your family - look at these things as a way to display your love and you just might approach them with a different attitude.

Planning to workout today? Do it! This is the biggest way we show love to ourselves.

Do you have to pay bills? Do you love having electricity, a roof over your head, running water, a car to drive? Pay those bills with thoughts of thankfulness and appreciation.

Hug your loved ones, brush the pets (you know they love it), enjoy a good meal. Take a walk without the headphones and appreciate the beautiful sights and sounds of nature along the way.

At some point today take a few minutes to kick off your shoes, grab a special treat - some yummy chocolates, a glass of champagne, some chocolate covered strawberries maybe - whatever you really enjoy. Put your feet up and spend some time with special people in your life whether in person, on the phone, or even on the computer.

Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day!

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